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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. lol, they're so butthurt that they're hoping into a time machine to go back and try and make fun of me. that's funny.
  2. I was too poor and too uninformed to have any actual style. I remembered adoring my 1990 Air Jordan's, I wore those things so much until the damn front of the shoe busted open. I'm glad I didn't have cable tv, nor did I listen to much radio during my pre-teens and teens. I did not get caught up in the grunge era, because I had a close-up view of kids who were super into that, and saw how it affects the clothes they wore and the way they talked. Counterpoint: Only just a few months ago, did I really start listening to Smashing Pumpkins albums, and regret not
  3. Dumbass is literally calling for backup. Titanfall is proof that the next-gen version will become the preferred version.* *Last-gen version wasn't available at launch
  4. LOL, no they don't Nobody considers Forza Horizon 2 to be an indicator of anything. Titanfall was the most heavily marketed game THE LAST GEN VERSION CAME OUT ONE MONTH after the initial launch.........absolutely invalid example to use because the publisher only had the next-gen version available at launch. Oh man Rise of the Tomb Raider was primarily marketed as an Xbox One game, and a graphics showcase...........AND the X360 console gen HAD BEEN DEAD FOR TWO YEARS Wow, you are desperate.
  5. Why buy a new console, when your existing Xbox will already play those first-party games. Its not really a new console at that point..........its just an Xbox One X X I love how you're trying so hard to play stupid and not understand why NEW CONSOLE GENERATIONS exist in the first place.
  6. Except your argument was regarding COMPLACENCY. And you tried to prove that complacency by saying THERE'S NO GAMES. You're not getting out of this one. This was never an argument that hinged on YOUR PERCEPTION of the quality of those games..........you were making an argument regarding Sony NOT DOING SOMETHING, and were saying to look at their output. You were saying that the was quantifiable evidence of your claim. Sorry.........you're trying to change your bullshit, and it ain't working. You've started saying the word "straw-manning
  7. [Question]: Does a car need tires? [Regular people]:"....um, yeah." [Dynocrap]: "I think you people are failing to understand how to think a car works and what it actually means in the first place..."
  8. Wait a minute, so now Remij has whittled his criticism down to "I think those games sucked" as his proof to back up his claim. His original claim was "Sony isn't making games..............HAVE you seen their last two years? They haven't released anything" And now its "Well..........you see, I think the games they've released these past two years suck, so in my opinion.....I see it as if they haven't been making games." Who, in their right minds, thinks that shit is going to fly???????????
  9. Looking at lemmings, you can now understand how there are people who can vote Republican even though none of their policies benefit them. Look at these lemmings simply BEND their own minds trying to make Microsoft's bullshit look reasonable. Its a combination of identity politics and sunk-cost fallacy for them.
  10. That article makes gamesindustry.biz look complacent.
  11. Sweeney has probably spent over a billion dollars giving away free video games, so that 680m in revenue probably means he had an operating loss. But as others have mentioned.......Sweeney is probably also cou8nting the amount of money Steam didn't make, and he's also counting how many Epic Games accounts were created, and he can track and see if they ended up downloading and playing Fortnite, because that increases his chances of earning money and creating new revenue. The whole goal here was getting more people to open and use the Epic Game Store application more and m
  12. really? post a better two year period of first party output
  13. I love I am GETTING HIM to that level. That's control.
  14. Yup........you know I checkmate'd your ass, clean, with that post. You're making up shit and getting angry that it doesn't hold up to 5 seconds worth of critical thinking. You're trying to pass the time between now and E3 because you hope Microsoft will deliver enough good news to get you to November 2020 when the console launches. My advice to you is......the time will pass easier if you make an effort to not make up shit. Because I'm going to slap that shit down like Dikembe Mutumbo between now and June.
  15. No, you're not................if you know anything about video games and how new consoles generations are announced. By your logic, Nintendo announced the Switch in October of 2016, and they must've also announced Super Mario Odyssey, Pokemon Sword & Shield, Astral Chain, Luigi's Mansion 3, Smash Bros. Ultimate, ARMS, Splatoon 2, at some point during 2015 through the first half of 2016. Right? Or else, it would be hard proof of Nintendo "being complacent" huh? How many years have you been waiting for a new Halo?
  16. Jesus christ.........you keep on whittling your argument into nothing. Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo....................what is it you are implying? Sony just STOPPED MAKING GAMES sometime in late 2017, and that's why they have no announcements. This is like something a 12-year old would say at the playground. You expected Sony to announce their NEXT-GEN GAMES............1 to 2 years from the release of the new console? That's a Yes or No question..........you will be too embarrassed to say "Yes"
  17. You're not seeing anything. You're CONJURING things that aren't there. And it wouldn't be the first time I've busted you taking two random things and creating a baseless narrative out of thin air. Your "past two years of sweet fuck all" have resulted in Sony providing for their console owners: -Detroit Become Human (timed exclusive) -God of War -Shadow of the Colossus remake -Spider-man -Tetris Effect (timed exclusive) -Astro Bot rescue mission (by all accounts, people's choice as being the best VR game) -Firewall: Zero Ho
  18. In those instances, the journalist and the source would have agreed on what can be leaked, and would gaurantee anonymity. These shitty video game journalists A.) probably don't have such agreement with the source to protect themselves, and B.) there could be a chance that people will find out the source for a particular journalist, and if they know that journalist speaks to EA alot, then Sony's legal team will start hounding EA, and EA will start hounding their employees. So, its best to not actually leak the stuff. But since these journalists sure do love themselves so
  19. Those "standards" are irrelevant. I even told you about how Sony was 10 years ago, and White Knight Chronicles 2 at TGS. If they don't have games..........a lavish E3 press conference can't save you. We KNOW that for a fact.............look at Microsoft's past couple of press conferences, and then look at Xbox sales.
  20. This is an irrelevant form of measurement. The name of the game..............is games. Does Sony have them? Yes, they do. Mind you, they were doing the OPPOSITE about 10 years ago. Sony was the king of video game conventions. Lavish conferences at E3, TGS, etc. And then what few games they hyped flopped. I remember making fun of Sony when they were hyping White Knight Chronicles 2, and I specifically said "Cows always seem to think that Sony is winning the console war.....during gaming conventions. but not when those games actually co
  21. Except you are insinuating that they are BECOMING complacent. ............because they don't book floor space at an E3 show that's going down the shitter. And you insinuated that they game production was slowing down. When it fact it isn't. I wasn't arguing with you about Sony from 2013 to 2018. The argument rested on what you were saying about Sony 2019, and I clearly explained to you that two massive games fell out of 2019, but they clearly show that Sony was ending the console's lifecycle with as much ambition as they started it. Seems to me y
  22. Sorry........Sony has been delivering more games throughout the entire gen. You're currently attempting a jonb argument in trying to make us think that they stopped making games. You know its bad when you're left with nothing else but attempting a jonb argument. lol
  23. See, your motivations are showing. You are WISHING they become complacent, and are trying to frame all of these things as SIGNS that they are BECOMING COMPLACENT. ..........yet at the same time you're trying to tell us that Microsoft is not that..........even though you just inadvertently admitted that Sony is still putting out better games than they are. Your methodology for arguing almost reminds me of this: Its going to be funny remembering you typing "Complacent" while playing through TLOU2 and Ghosts of Tsushima. "Remij
  24. It has to be because of Barbara Broccolli, or whoever from the Broccolli family is currently running the Bond franchise. They always do stupid shit like this that reeks of them forcefully inserting current-trends in a Bond movie. It ends up dating it. Like in Casino Royale, at the beginning when Bond is chasing that guy in Mozambique, parkour was a thing, so they had the guy running away from Bond by doing nothing but parkour. Its ridiculous.
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