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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. He's getting madder. They usually do, because of their under-developed brains.
  2. Now he's getting so angry, he's not even finishing his setnences correctly. Going caveman on us.
  3. You're right. As other posts have indicated, everyone knows. ......that you have a problem. What do you mean "admit". Haven't I already made posts in which I've explained that you have a problem with 'escalation" That's not me having the problem,. I said YOU have this problem. You want to see an example of somebody who "has a problem" with another poster? Loost at your post, and see how clearly embittered you are. Sorry buddy, little too late for you to attempt projection. Fix your problem, and cut your losses. Because yo
  4. Sorry, you don't have anything. No...........rest assured I would've bitchslapped you because the problem isn't the name of the company you chose. The problem was you. Too bad you haven't figured that out yet. You lost this one, completely.
  5. Sorry, that's beyond grasping straws bad. Its a loan........its purely a financial transaction, and Tencent is not doing any business with them in the realm of video games, but rather venture capitalism. If the news had been that Platinum Games has secured a loan from Mitt Romney's Bain Capital, would you even be trying to make this argument? LOL no. The only video game related news is: Platinum Games is now opening up a publishing operation in-house. THATS the news. And that entirely a self-contained announcement that only deals wit
  6. No, its a loan. They have no controlling stake in the company. They are not involve in anything except a monetary loan, no different than any other loaning institution or venture capitalist group. You're wrong........and you're not getting out of this. You think I don't mind telling you that you've lost for the next 40 posts? You don't know me very well.
  7. Dang, so you're intentionally blocking it out of your memory, even though my direct-quote is there. Must've also blocked out Father Patrick and his "special finger."
  8. Well, previous successful consoles have typically had a 8 to 9 games per console ratio, right? But, during the PS2 era, that would've been traditional retail disc games in which people are paying close to $50, or $30-$40 if its a lower-tier game. Whereas in this era, we have many people who are buying $15-$20 games, and probably aren't buying as many full priced games to add to their game library. So it doesn't surprise me to see a higher games-per-console ratio.
  9. I got him so butthurt, that he's now lying to himself. I don't think anybody has messed him up that badly since Father Patrick when he was 8.
  10. jehurey


    500 million animals have died, so far? That number truly is staggering, and its heartbreaking because it makes you realize that almost all mammals except for humansare completely dependent on the environment and cannot alter it the way humans can. This is not normal. And throwing your arms up and saying "aw well, what'ya gonna do?" simply is not an acceptable attitude anymore. There was a news report in our local Dallas news yesterday that many people currently have "Cedar Fever" in the area because we are getting cedar pollen around this time of year that
  11. I even told this guy "why are you trying to post Phil Spencer's comments with this Platinum CEO guy's comments????" I specifically told him that there is nothing to indicate that these comments are related, and him ATTEMPTING to connect the two comments together is him CREATING BASELESS SPECULATION. I even explained to him that the Platinum CEO guy talking about a big announcement was probably an indicator that Platinum Games was doing something that ONLY INVOLVED THEMSELVES as a company, rather than involving another company. And I explained the legal reasons why a co
  12. LOL No, sorry that is some amazing bullshit. Even you know that first sentence wasn't going to work. "would invest" That actually made me chuckle. I actually gave the new game engine as one of multiple examples. You clearly said: "Acquired by Microsoft" You are wrong. You're not 10% wrong........you're not 30% wrong. You're not 50% wrong. You're 100% wrong. Thank you.
  13. if you are a publisher, you are more independent. You are literally receiving a larger percentage of the sales of your games than you would had your game been published by another company. But.....nice attempt attempt avoiding the obvious point. Your prediction ended up being completely wrong.
  14. Didn't they say sometime in late december that the console is technically standing on 4 pegs to elevate it, and that allowed for the air to go in? It'd be like the gamecube, its just an intake vent at the bottom, no fan, the fan is near the opposite side (at this top) to push the air out of the console. The Gamecube did that from left to right.
  15. See, I had not watched this video since it got posted a couple of months ago. So i finally got around to watching it. He starts out by being very right on certain things, especially that the comments section comparing them to forum posts that looked very unique, and how reddit and youtube comments are now bland. But ultimately he starts whining about social media sites that he doesn't own, and especially youtube. And he posting videos of youtube creators whining about youtube.......and those are people that are trying to MAKE MONEY from being youtubers.
  16. Oh really? So when their CEO was hinting last week about a "new phase"..........instead of me making the logical guess that he was talking about the way THEY personally do business in the video game industry and that they were probably going to do something that makes them more independent................they, in fact, were not acquired by Microsoft???????????
  17. you're the one who turned on the broken record the moment you started running over to the Switch. Little too late to project your stuff on me.
  18. LOL he got so butthurt that he tried to run over to another (failed) subject. why did he make a thread, in which he was going to be crying in?
  19. Well, he's right, Microsoft does have a diverse selection...............of games that scored 5.0 I guess that's what he's celebrating. A Diversity of Shit.
  20. He;s getting angry because his shitty Forbes contributor article backfired. Gee, wonder what'll happen when he'll start posting The GUadian and DailyMail articles and any other website that talks about the XSX. Dayum, its going to be a long winter and spring to help him pass the time. Too bad he doesn't have any games to play.
  21. LOL now that's straight-up assrape Within the first post, no less. *****
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