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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. What's AI? I finally decided to play Contradiction Spot the Liar this weekend. It was on sale, and I wanted to finish something quickly. Its not exactly what I expected, because Vinny from Giant bomb alluded to having to pay attention to the acting from the people in the FMV interview scenes, that supposedly they had visual cues to tell when they were lying. I don't think that's the case at all. They're just acting. Hell, sometimes it felt like they were giving visual cues to things that weren't lies. So the quality of the acting is all over the place. The o
  2. Yes I did. Wow, you have completely lost now. Here's the post That's clearly an analogy. You're done here.
  3. Nope........I made an analogy and that point was about the lemmings rushing to believe a rumor only because it appears favorable to them. And imagining how funny it would be if it fizzles out on them, like the Horizon Zero Dawn PC port rumor fizzled. Sorry, little too late for projection. Go take a look at your posts, we know which one is losing their shit here. I can seem to let it go..............meaning getting back on topic? Who is the one that is still talking about the other person, on a personal level? That's what I thought. lol Come back
  4. Nope. go read the post again. I was making the analogy that this 9TF claim was going to blow up on the lemmings like the Horizon Zero Dawn claim. The point was lemmings rushing to believe a rumor that ends up fizzling on them. You then proceed to re-argue Horizon Zero Dawn on PC................and you did by presenting.................nothing. And you got madder and madder when I pointed out exactly that. Go be mad somewhere else. Back to my point. Lemmings hoping that PS5 is way less powerful is as funny as le
  5. Nope.......you losing your shit is what is derailing this. I already said what I've had to say. I'm not the one who created four gimmick arguments. I'm just the one counting the number of gimmick arguments. lol
  6. You can almost hear the RPM-limiter sound going off in his brain, he doesn't know what else to do and is just hammering this as hard as he can. Too bad it still isn't working.
  7. @madmaltese I'm even telling him to lets get back to the subject....but he still can't seem to get control of himself.
  8. You can even tell that he's angry as he's attempting to make fun. And it still isn't working. Let's get back to the subject, seeing as though somebody melted down and brought this entire thread to a screeching halt. Hopefully, they can exercise self-control in the future.
  9. It has nothing to do with inexperience or nervousness. But reality. There was a 20/20 news special about gun training, and this was back in 2002, where they had 3 people to do an experiment. They would be in a gun training class, and they had their test guns on them, and they were told...I repeat, they were TOLD...that there would be a shooter coming in during the class to shoot up the place. And they were sitting in a proper place to be able to stand up, draw their gun, and shoot them as quickly as possible. First two people only had beginning
  10. 2nd amendment people are using this video to immediately say that this justifies their ideology. Except for the fact that we have "Security Teams" at churches now...........and let that thought sink in for a moment that we now live in a world in which your church that you bring your family to requires a "security team" That guy that put down the gunman was a good guy with a gun, apparently he's an ex-FBI guy. So he has the proper training. But even then, he's lucky in that he wasn't the first guy to draw his weapon in defense, the first guy drawing his weapo
  11. Waiting to see the Cowboys fallout. Technically, we've now officially entered the most exciting part of the cowboys season. I really do wish people in Dallas/North Texas can just stop caring about the Cowboys so much, and stop giving Jerry their money. He genuinely doesn't deserve it. A coaching change isn't going to make them into a contender.
  12. Just came back from seeing the movie. I thought the movie was fine. I think these movies have them go to alot of locations, and what they do on these new planet locations isn't very memorable. Even though the planets looks cool and unique. It almost felt legit badass if that lightning strike took out every ship and everything started crashing down, but they didn't have the guts to show that and to have on-screen deaths come from that. But this is the result of 5 Star Wars movies in 4 years. People just want to see it get to the finish line.
  13. No, you are trying to warn as a method to threaten. I don't need to be told that when somebody loses an argument and is wrong, they get made fun of. And nobody needs to be told multiple times. So.............no, that's not what you are doing. You're trying to threaten. It shows you as being mad and unable to control yourself. It shows the very opposite of confidence. You're not fooling anybody. You're trying to get me to stop talking..........basically screaming. But that's too bad, because that's not happening.
  14. Sorry, you're doing none of that. In fact me simply re-typing "you have no proof of any Horizon Zero Dawn development on PC" is what is causing you to type all of these posts with all of these gimmicks. You're not "goading" me into anything.......I'm repeating the same thing. You're not confident..........and it shows. What does "pointing to the fact" that you "warned" me have to do with anything? You see........that is where you are switching over the making a PERSONAL statement. You're leaving the argument and now trying to make a t
  15. Saying that I can't prove a negative........doesn't prove a positive, either. lol I have no idea why you thought you could still spin that after I've clearly let you know that I know the concept of "proving a negative" twice. Sweetie..........you can speculate on what is possible in the FUTURE...........all you want. But one is clear. You have nothing right now. And if there is no porting development for Horizon Zero Dawn on the PC, then there is no Horizon Zero Dawn on the PC. That's not an argument............that's logical observat
  16. Yes.........you demanding that I prove that a game is NOT in development and coming in PC..........is proving a negative. LOL now I know you're not stupid enough to keep arguing that, right? Don't worry about "my benefit". I'll keep on talking. There you go. Problem solved. I "disagree" because your argument went up in smoke when the PS now announcement was made. I'm not mocking you.........I'm merely saying that you don't have any more proof. .......because you don't. If me pointing that out is considered "mocking" then you should be
  17. Because........and I'm typing this a second time........I don't have to prove a negative. You've effectively lost the argument. The default position on the game is: its a Playstation 4 exclusive. So.........until anything happens that disproves that............you lost. Yes you are making threats because.............you want me to shut up. You want to me to shut up................because you don't have anything to defend yourself on the subject at hand, and therefore start directing statements at me personally. If you can't argue the
  18. ANd I said you have no proof. Which you don't. Yes it did get weakened and I already explained why. No, I don't need to stop talking...........that's not going to happen. You need to stop making threats towards people on this forum. If you want to argue about the subject, stay on the subject. instead you make direct threats towards the person. You have a problem, you need to calm down. You're not going to threaten people into stopping them from talking.
  19. I don't have to prove a negative. Which is your argument........which effectively is a losing argument. Sorry, you can try and compare my to Dynocrap all you want.............except you keep on forget Dynocrap is predicting the same thing you are. lol You are the one following in Dynocrap's footsteps on this one. Yes your argument did weaken. All of those twitter posts you tried using as proof were dissipated when they announced it for streaming. You don't have proof...........what little you did went away with the PS now announcement.
  20. I'm not doubling down. Because there's nothing to double down on............because you've provided no evidence to bolster your argument in which I have to "double down" against. In fact, your argument has actually WEAKENED since it was revealed that the game is going on PS now streaming, all of those twitter posts of people saying they can't deny Horizon Zero Dawn coming to PC came right before the PS now announcement. What doubling down? You haven't "doubled" anything against me. lol Go be mad somewhere else. Its not working here.
  21. I remember in Witcher 2 there was a mission that cheekily advertised GoG.com. They should add a new DLC quest to the Witcher in which they advertise Cyberpunk 2077 Very smart move for CDPR to renew the licensing deal to the Witcher, because they would've re-sold the licensing rights to some other developer for a future game, and they would be reaping the benefits of a future Witcher game selling well.
  22. Nah, that seems like something arbitrary and has no relevance. It almost seems like some irrelevant metric that you've decided to make for yourself to try and DETER me.........because you know you're currently not winning the argument right now. Y'know.......because you have no actual proof. Fourth post............fourth gimmick. Attempt at deterrence by implying that the punishment will be worse because I continue "opening my yap". lol yeah that's not working either.
  23. How can you possibly be pushing me when the thing I've said has never changed. Sorry, pretending that you're doing something complex and over my head isn't going to work either. Three posts from you.........three different gimmicks to pretend you've accomplished something. lol
  24. You're trying to pump yourself up. lol And you're pretty much telling me that you have nothing except..........a futuristic expectation. Good luck on that. Make some more noises for yourself.
  25. I love how you have to run to Dynocrap to make yourself pretend that you're confident. That's how I can tell that you're not. Your example..........is by a guy who's also predicting the same thing you are predicting and has a history of being magnificently wrong. Was that supposed to be a helpful person to reference??? LOL
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