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Everything posted by jehurey

  1. Both the video game companies and the television manufacturers can't possibly be stupid enough to drop the ball and leave out this feature when next-gen hits, right? I remember I saw somebody mention the next Xbox have variable refresh rate. I assume any console that is using AMD GPUs can simply enable this through software. Its the television manufacturers that I'm concerned about. They can't add this feature to existing 4K tvs with a firmware update, can they?
  2. Clearly that was driven by the hottest line streaming service around. Mixer!
  3. They already did this evening when their announcement making your Hopes and Dreams going up in smoke. You didn't notice us laughing at you? Or will you eventually notice it sometime in the far-flung future, along with everything else? LOL
  4. Oh shit.........you can't even deliver the punchline right now, either? That's actually the funniest thing you've said. LOL Adjustable Rate Mortgages with deferred payments is how the housing mortgage crisis got started in America back in 2008, y'know.
  5. Yikes, you don't even have a convincing punchline after all of this.
  6. Its all you can do at this point. Look and imagine of a future where you aren't the one who looks embarrassed. Godspeed.
  7. Of course it makes you owned. You have nothing else to base the rumor on. You definitely lost something. And now you're talking about me again, exclusively. You're literally doing this: And who's the one that is supposed to sound like Dynocrap?
  8. Ah, he moved up a few grades when he used the word "literally" lol I actually posted several points a few posts ago...........and he's avoided them ever since, and he thinks people won't notice.
  9. I really don't know how he thinks he's convincing anybody that I'm the one who is sounding like Dynocrap right now. He's pretty much acting like a much more pissy-er version of Dynocrap.......which is rapidly becoming known as Remij's act.
  10. No, I'm not. My points still stand. Uncontested. Sorry, but seeing as though you're resorting to responding like a 1st grader at this point, its obvious you're done.
  11. Sony isn't raped..............because your rumor of Horizon coming to PC went up in smoke. And when you were asked for proof for WHY the rumor is still true............you said "you'll see" Sony not being raped and you being a lemming are two separate things. The only thing those two subjects have in common?????????????????????????? You can't disprove either one of them.
  12. I literally gave details and points...........and you just avoided them. Sorry, one of us is done...........and its the one who can't actually respond back to the other guy's points.
  13. Well, of course...........you're a lemming. Oh yeah that's right..........you said you were gonna prove that wrong sometime....
  14. Nnnnnnnope. You abandoned the entire argument and have pretty much been exclusivity talking about the prophecy in the future in which I will be wrong. I'm pretty sure that qualifies as you changing the subject to just make it about me. I was talking about you melting down being an indication of you being a fanboy.........would continually refer to your last 4 pages............and you seemed to want to side-step that.
  15. Ah.............so your fucked right now. Ergo, things remain the same.........that means you remain fucked. Because Microsoft utterly failing and having their own IPs becoming Day 1 multiplats is most definitely a sign of them failing in the console space.
  16. Its not "going to" backfire on you...........it already backfired on you. You see, unlike what you're currently doing.........I'm proving my points right now, instead of talking about them occurring in the future. Like this:
  17. He knows that he typed alot in the last post, so he immediately did the opposite. Except it was too obvious.
  18. Wait a minute.....................so you just labelled yourself as the equivalent as Dynocrap. The same Dynocrap that ended up being wrong in your example??????????????
  19. Like this? Even he knows, by this point, that there is nothing he can say that won't immediately backfire on him, because I have enough of his posts to just post his own words against him.
  20. Yeah, I'm the one trying hard right now. "reality check" lol
  21. No, this is an example of a delusional person who thinks they've won: I was going to search for a third example when I notice you already provided it in your most recent post. So................you can't win the argument right now, but you pretend that you will win the argument...........IN THE FUTURE. Now tell me which one of us is acting like Dynocrap at this moment? LOL
  22. No........it seems that way...........because we can clearly see what you posted. Yes, you melting down over XBX does mean your a lemming.............you melted down even HARDER in those arguments in 2016. And you know it.
  23. Is this guy trying to say Sony offering a 7-day trial to PSnow is a sign of their failure. Is this where he's currently at, right now?
  24. So you just admitted that you've "lost" things that there's nothing left for you to "lose". You just admitted to being a lemming. Congratulations. Boy, you really have a problem with escalation...........your posts are starting to sound like something out of a Primetime TV Drama. lol
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