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System Warrior
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Posts posted by kenTa

  1. she is in school to be a nurse :)

    And being Canadian is great, economy isn't shit, we give gays rights, strict gun laws, women have the right to choose when it comes to abortion, universal health care, not starting illegal wars to murder brown people (lmao like you, a tool).

    so yeah, Being Canadian rocks, LMAO @ YOU :kaz::tom: go murder another old man when you are drunk, you failure.

    Another filipnio nurse? :kaz: Fuckin pathetic. I guess its not all that bad, at least she has something going on in life unlike your sorry ass.

  2. So Darksiders II. Alot better than the first one. I love how agile death is and his mobility. Not to mention you get more than one type of secondary weapon. I found a possessed claw weapon and Im gonna be upgrading it :datass: I completed the first 2 dungeons and a sidequest so far. I really love it :)

    Starts of really good.....not so much later on.

    ill be the judge of that

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