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System Warrior
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Everything posted by kenTa

  1. I did alot actually. I went around to Singapore, Thailand and the Phillipines. Those pics I will not post though What were you doing there in terms of service? http://www.marine-corps-news.com/2010/01/blt_27_ready_for_firsttime_exp.htm Cliffs or negs
  2. I did alot actually. I went around to Singapore, Thailand and the Phillipines. Those pics I will not post though What were you doing there in terms of service? http://www.marine-corps-news.com/2010/01/blt_27_ready_for_firsttime_exp.htm
  3. I did alot actually. I went around to Singapore, Thailand and the Phillipines. Those pics I will not post though
  4. I am getting out. I complete my four years in July. There is another deployment coming up, but I have a wife and a daughter now, and I'm not going to leave them 2 months after my daughter is born. But technically after this July, I can still be recalled back by the Marines within the next four years if say there is a draft. I've done my term honorably and I feel I've contributed enough to the Marine Corps and myself the past four years so I'm good Isn't there a stop-loss still in effect? if so you're fucked all around the board. They can keep you after your contract expires, fuckers.
  5. I am getting out. I complete my four years in July. There is another deployment coming up, but I have a wife and a daughter now, and I'm not going to leave them 2 months after my daughter is born. But technically after this July, I can still be recalled back by the Marines within the next four years if say there is a draft. I've done my term honorably and I feel I've contributed enough to the Marine Corps and myself the past four years so I'm good Isn't there a stop-loss still in effect? if so you're fucked all around the board. They can keep you after your contract expires, fuckers.
  6. I know you asked him but... I think you have a 4 year obligation to serve. After 4 years you can decide to opt out and get an honorable discharge or sign another 4 year contract. Of course, you can fuck up and get yourself kicked out on purpose, but if you go that route, you might as well have a felony on your record, Dishonorable discharges are hard to shake, at least that's what they make you believe. Or you could go AWAL like a real man, but that is an actual felony. lmao desertion. I heard of a story of a marine who went UA during vietnam and turned himself in like 40 years laterr
  7. I am getting out. I complete my four years in July. There is another deployment coming up, but I have a wife and a daughter now, and I'm not going to leave them 2 months after my daughter is born. But technically after this July, I can still be recalled back by the Marines within the next four years if say there is a draft. I've done my term honorably and I feel I've contributed enough to the Marine Corps and myself the past four years so I'm good
  8. Then why you still tipping your hat forward when it's a cap? there's still some marine lurking son. Marine regulations are the bill is to the front. I should put my shitbag pics up
  9. My wife took this pic of me while I visited her on her break
  10. I guess the dumb ass didn't read that I have a fucking desk job. I was "volunteered" to go out and fight being that "Riflemen first" is part of what being a Marine is about. He's just a bitter bitch about something. I could care less. I know I'm better than him in many ways.
  11. Go back to college. Gonna get payed for living and getting full tuition for school. Not sure I wanna major in though. Definitely want to work in a similar field of logistics. This was so obviously your motivation for joining. So cut the wanna save the world bullshit when it's really "Kill a few innocent people...fuck it why not if it pays for college.":D Yeah you're so great at reading people. Jeez what a bitch
  12. Go back to college. Gonna get payed for living and getting full tuition for school. Not sure I wanna major in though. Definitely want to work in a similar field of logistics.
  13. Most of those were from my deployment in Afghanistan. For the first year n a half in my career I was considered expendable by my shop. So in that deployment I was going around in trucks from little base to other bases making sure supplies were getting to the Marines. Around July we had 10 KIA's so one platoon needed bodies to be replaced and I was "voluntold" to be sent to that platoon. So from July to Nov I was in the shit. My "job" though is Supply Administration. Yes its a desk job. After Afghan and back in the States I control all property in the Battalion and track it. Then deployed to
  14. Wey is yo GF, bra?! You mean his fiance I meant his wife. I believe they got married not too long ago. Kenta's life goes too fast for my liking, before tuesday, he'll have a mistress It's only been a week. More like 'It's already been a week :scared:' Anyway man, what do the ribbons stand for in your sig? As goes : Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, Combat Action Ribbon, Navy Unit Commendation Ribbon, National Defense Service Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal (1 Bronze star), Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Navy Sea Service Deployment Ribbon (1 Bronze Star), an
  15. Wey is yo GF, bra?! You mean his fiance I meant his wife. I believe they got married not too long ago. Kenta's life goes too fast for my liking, before tuesday, he'll have a mistress It's only been a week.
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