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The Whipitcher Wild Goo

System Warrior
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Everything posted by The Whipitcher Wild Goo

  1. And do you get that people like yourself laughed at that diagram, insisting that it was "just a rumor" and "could have been drawn up by anyone"
  2. This was NOT a guess.... It was not one of seven billion people "making up anything" It was one of six billion people releasing REAL information outside of official channels way WAY ahead of schedule.
  3. It means that the Truth DOES get out early ( And IS getting out early ). But you'll never see it if you refuse to believe anything unless it's "Official" come on, how are you missing this. There are 7 billion people on earth. ANY OF THOSE PEOPLE could say ANYTHING ABOUT ANYTHING That's right. And according to you it's impossible for any of them to know anything early outside of "Official" channels Do you understand that these leaked specs both this gen and last are NOT guesses?
  4. It means that the Truth DOES get out early ( And IS getting out early ). But you'll never see it if you refuse to believe anything unless it's "Official"
  5. They are rumours, you can't verify the validity of them. brah, even if he isn't trolling, you wont reach him I take it you don't believe any of this then? I'm not trolling. This is actually how console specs are discovered every gen. At the point when many developers have a hold of Next Gen Dev Kits, Rumors start filling with truth. it may be entirely true, but as it is a rumor it has no weight. NONE. ANY person in the entire world could have made that shit up. I guarantee you if i sat down, or even you if you keep it under 4 pages in 16 font, you could make up a pretty believa
  6. They are rumours, you can't verify the validity of them. brah, even if he isn't trolling, you wont reach him I take it you don't believe any of this then? I'm not trolling. This is actually how console specs are discovered every gen. At the point when many developers have a hold of Next Gen Dev Kits, Rumors start filling with truth. They are less rumor and more anonymous report.
  7. They are rumours, you can't verify the validity of them. If there is any truth to them then Yes, you most certainly can.
  8. Jesus, Cell is still raping new technology. Cell 2.0 in PS4 will shit on Durango Thread =/= Core And you REALLY haven't been paying attention if you think there will be a new Cell in the PS4 LOL
  9. Knowing consoles specs WELL ahead of when they are "officially" announced doesn't require believing everything you read on the net. It involves knowing what is credible and what isn't. I can tell the difference. You obviously can't.
  10. Pffff Stop being so Naive. We knew the 360 and PS3 specs to within 90% accuracy more than a year before Sony and Microsoft "Officially" released their specs. Microsoft and Sony are leaky ships.
  11. swing and a miss You're obviously not. And just like phosphorous your obviously just butthurt at any notion of the 720 being a Beast Have you actually gone back and taken a look at your posts? Do you even know what you're bitching about anymore? I am pointing out that they are only rumours there is nothing concrete, nobody is bitching about anything here except you who is bitching at others for not believing the rumours. Just as I've already said. You'll be "surprised" when the Specs closely echo these reports. But I won't There are real physical Durango Devkit
  12. swing and a miss You're obviously not. And just like phosphorous your obviously just butthurt at any notion of the 720 being a Beast Have you actually gone back and taken a look at your posts? Do you even know what you're bitching about anymore?
  13. If you're not intelligent enough to connect the dots, well, I can't say as that surprises me
  14. All of these specs are reasonable. There have been enough rumors, leaks and comments to have a basic idea of the 720. The PS4 is more of a mystery at this point. Just rumours nothing actually concrete. This is how it happens. There are real Durango Dev kits in the wild. It's not surprising there are leaks. I can tell by your tone you're gonna be surprised to learn the 720 is an absolute BEAST Rumours aren't facts, in case you didn't know. And when the specs are "confirmed" to your satisfaction and they echo what was said here, what will you say then? All y
  15. This would explain why game's today look pretty lackluster on design. I bet developers aren't using 75% of 360/PS3 potential today with all that hardware potential the current consoles have. Back in the day developers use to have do graphic tricks to extra work out of the Genesis and Super Nintendo. The 3D and FPS games that came out on those consoles in their final years were developers working their ass off. Absolutely, fucking scorpion and sub zero only exist because of memory limitations http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/laugh.gif B
  16. Programming for multiple cores is no longer the issue it once was. Devs complain more about the split RAM pool. And the Cores in the PPC A2 ( if that is what it winds up being ) are general Purpose cores and not like the SPE's of the Cell.
  17. Yeah, phosphorous doesn't come off as butthurt at all. Feeling threatened much LOL You can doubt the Power of Durango all you want but Microsoft is going Full Out BEAST Next Gen
  18. All of these specs are reasonable. There have been enough rumors, leaks and comments to have a basic idea of the 720. The PS4 is more of a mystery at this point. Just rumours nothing actually concrete. This is how it happens. There are real Durango Dev kits in the wild. It's not surprising there are leaks. I can tell by your tone you're gonna be surprised to learn the 720 is an absolute BEAST
  19. All of these specs are reasonable. There have been enough rumors, leaks and comments to have a basic idea of the 720 ( That is if you've been following the subject closely ). The PS4 is more of a mystery at this point. There have only been very very vague rumors.
  20. Dayum http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/cool.gif
  21. I'm sure there are some developers who "expect" ( meaning they don't know shit ) the PS4 to be more powerful. But just like the cows, they're gonna be disappointed http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/cool.gif
  22. This fits together well with a Prior Rumor Reported by Gamespot..... http://www.gamespot.com/news/next-xboxs-32nm-cpu-enters-production-report-6349105 And this is most likely it..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PowerPC_A2 That's 16 cores with 4 threads each making it a 64 Thread MONSTER
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