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The Whipitcher Wild Goo

System Warrior
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Everything posted by The Whipitcher Wild Goo

  1. Kinda looks like you're wearing a pair of these... yes..because he has big bushy eye brows, dark frames, and transparent lenses. No, but it looks like his nose is made of Plastic. I know it's prolly not though
  2. lol Depressed kid whose life is so sad he has to turn to sw.com to cheer him up I think you should Strongly consider that he's completely Right about you Have you ever thought about lightening up a bit and not being such a Jealous Bitch?
  3. Wow Virgin Confirmed You actually think having sex with one woman is the same as having sex with 2 Women? When people said the Earth is flat - They were less wrong than you are right now. And each one of those "third world pieces of trash" is Hotter than any woman who has ever even given you the time of day and that's what bothers you the most I practically don't know any white guys in Taiwan who have been with more than one woman, just like I practically don't know any guys back in Canada who have been with more than one woman. Are you really so shocked to learn that I
  4. Remy consumed by his Jealousy once again and uses lies just so he can deal. Yup Remy I live in a mud shack in the 3rd world and get paid in Rice. You've been right all along. Coming back to reality now, I live in a home that's nicer than yours, have far more money than you'll ever have, get more ass then you'll ever see. Let's face it Remy, you're prolly still a Virgin right? So being with 2 women is something you've never experienced ( most people haven't ) and being with 3 women at once is something someone such as yourself will Never get to experience in your entire life
  5. Never have. Yes you have, you posted pics and you looked like some skinny white guy :] You missed some of the conversation. I have never posted pics of my face on this site ( or anywhere on the internet ). I saw your face... What you posted fake pictures?:] You guys haven't realized that he's a pathological liar yet? Am Not. Except for one time posting a pic of someone that wasn't me what have I ever lied about? It is infact everyone else ( including you ) who makes lies up about me.
  6. You can actually hear when this Virgins Jealousy turns to Bitterness As a dyslexic teacher you better check what jealousy is before the next class. You dont want to look dumb in the East too, do you? So I'm dyslexic now? Who gives a shit about looking dumb? Tell you what, you be the smart Virgin while I be the dummy too busy in his Latest Orgy to Care You think I'm dumb, that's coo, but you are SOOO Fucking Jealous you can't even Conceal it
  7. Never have. Yes you have, you posted pics and you looked like some skinny white guy :] You missed some of the conversation. I have never posted pics of my face on this site ( or anywhere on the internet ).
  8. You can actually hear when this Virgins Jealousy turns to Bitterness
  9. He never recovered from losing his Modship. It was EVERYTHING to him... and now it's all gone
  10. I said I'd never post my face and I never will. That is me. Those pics are not photoshopped. And they are not Hookers.
  11. lol. ok. how young are we talkin here.. Holy Fuck, I NEVER Ask that LOL
  12. Did someone say Whore? I think I've set a Higher Standard for this Thread, Got any pics you'd like to post Xelle? i'm not gunna lie.. i laughed my ass off at those pics. i just dont get why you guys post half the shit you do. lol. this is the most slutty pic youre gunna see of me. halloween is an excuse to be a whore. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs997.snc4/77031_448628327582_505472582_5864267_6606443_n.jpg Very Nice And Xelle you are so not a Whore ( and I know a thing or two about Whores ), and nobody here would EVER think so, no matter what kinds of pic
  13. A few pics of some of my Friends from the Gay Pride Parade Fight for your Rights Ladies
  14. I think most people don't check this thread very often, if at all. That's why I posted it here, I'm not trying to be an attention whore. Feels like I'm posting in a secret room
  15. Did someone say Whore? I think I've set a Higher Standard for this Thread, Got any pics you'd like to post Xelle?
  16. Do you guys actually Doubt those are pics of me? I wouldn't if you hadn't posted pics and claimed that they were you and now claim that they weren't you. Well for you or anyone else who Doubts those pics are Really of me, it was Easy enough to go ahead and Prove it. The Following Pics are hidden because one of them is NSFW ( But has been Edited ) Spoiler Take a look at these next 2 pics. I have posted them before but have edited them to highlight a few items. My TOGA, my LAUREL ( the crown of golden leaves ), My BELT THING and my SHORTS. Now her
  17. Because actually I haven't. So you are a filthy, insecure liar Oh You Fuckin Stole my Idea for a 2010 Leaderboard Champion SIG. Good Work Why would I be Insecure? I'm the Fuckin MAN I just don't wanna reveal my Identity over the Internet. I don't even have a FaceBook account. You posted your pic in some thread. I kept it, still have it in IS. Owned No, that wasn't me.
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