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Raptor Jesus

System Warrior
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Posts posted by Raptor Jesus

  1. o is artemis a dude...LMAO!!!

    No, she's a chick. Some girls don't dig dudes. just the way she typed that was as if she was leading a stereotypical role. i would bet that artemis doesnt really feel like that at heart but is saying that because of what her societal roles dictate. I've never heard someone sound so proud of not being attracted to someone. Why write 2 fucking sentences instead of just saying "i dont like dudes"? this fucking obnoxious over feminization of society has resulted in everyone trying to be proud of how anti-man they are its fucking ridiculous. WTF is this guys issue?:D

    Is it really that hard to believe a lesbian would find a cock repulsive? Don't most straight men find cocks repulsive?

    I like how you and devil trigger seem to almost take it as a personal insult that some woman dares not to find you attractive so she must be bullshitting.:D

    no i do not find cocks repulsive i am just not attracted. i dont like block out the cock in porn with my finger thats the most childish shit ive ever heard

    Do you find extremely overweight women repulsive?

    What about 50 year old hairy men?

    What is so unbelievable about finding cocks repulsive?

    those things are intrinsically unattractive, you attached adjectives to them to describe their unattractiveness. if you asked me if i found woodchippered cocks repulsive i would say yes. there is however nothing anatomically repulsive about an organ that all men have. the most repulsive thing mentioned in this entire conversation is that you find a part of slightly less than 50% of the population repulsive. you have a lot of maturation to do.
  2. o is artemis a dude...LMAO!!!

    No, she's a chick. Some girls don't dig dudes. just the way she typed that was as if she was leading a stereotypical role. i would bet that artemis doesnt really feel like that at heart but is saying that because of what her societal roles dictate. I've never heard someone sound so proud of not being attracted to someone. Why write 2 fucking sentences instead of just saying "i dont like dudes"? this fucking obnoxious over feminization of society has resulted in everyone trying to be proud of how anti-man they are its fucking ridiculous. WTF is this guys issue?:D

    Is it really that hard to believe a lesbian would find a cock repulsive? Don't most straight men find cocks repulsive?

    I like how you and devil trigger seem to almost take it as a personal insult that some woman dares not to find you attractive so she must be bullshitting.:D

    no i do not find cocks repulsive i am just not attracted. i dont like block out the cock in porn with my finger thats the most childish shit ive ever heard
  3. o is artemis a dude...LMAO!!!

    No, she's a chick. Some girls don't dig dudes. just the way she typed that was as if she was leading a stereotypical role. i would bet that artemis doesnt really feel like that at heart but is saying that because of what her societal roles dictate. I've never heard someone sound so proud of not being attracted to someone. Why write 2 fucking sentences instead of just saying "i dont like dudes"? this fucking obnoxious over feminization of society has resulted in everyone trying to be proud of how anti-man they are its fucking ridiculous.
  4. I've never drinked 4loko but when I heard its getting banned in NY I wanted to try it before that happened and I tried the fruit punch one I think? Literally the worst drank i ever tasted :puke: usually I can force myself to drink shitty tasting drinks just for the sake of being drunk, but I trew that shit out

    if that's for halloween, pretty cool. If not, that's way too much lol

    it was obviously for fucking halloween who dresses like a beverage on random days. fruit punch tastes like a mixture of acetone, vomit, and koolaid. blue raspberry, grape, and lemon are dank though
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