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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. 4k textures and better graphics > exclusive horse
  2. Available - Xbox Scorpio. That means there's a 4k texture pack additionally. That line only shows up for games that have optional 4k assets to download separate from the OG copy.
  3. Scorpio tags in debug means optional 4k texture pack, on top of the X1X enhancements. This game is gonna look spectacular on the 1X!
  4. Rockstar is gonna make hermshits buy it on their dusty consoles after the game turns out to be a masterpiece and then make them buy it again when they release it on PC in 2 years. They know what they're doing
  5. I need this game shot into my veins as soon as possible John Marston speaks!
  6. Yea they're miserable. And they love it
  7. PS4 buried Xbox One at the E3 announcement. It's been digging to the surface since.
  8. Well they either gonna correct course or completely abandon the brand. My point is it'll be a terrible thing for gaming for Microsoft to bow out of Xbox.
  9. It's not just Phil Microsoft doesn't invest enough in first party devs. Sony had no choice but to invest into games every other division was a giant failure, their phones suck ass, their TVs were terrible (got better now), nobody gives a shit about their laptops and tablets. Microsoft has a whole operating system and a tablet/PC ecosystem to keep up with. They made a few mistakes at the announcement, Sony seized on it and basically won the gen in one day during E3.
  10. It's something like - smiling would mean you're happy and real men don't get happy faggots and women get happy - Russian logic.
  11. I think they're trynna get through the gen at this point and try and make a comeback next gen.
  12. Shut it off after 10 seconds. Dude's annoying as fuck and half his videos are about Fortnite. And Xbox dying would be a terrible thing for you cultist cows next gen. Sony gets real fuckin shitty real quick when they have nothing to compete with
  13. Meh.. these explosive set pieces are getting so fuckin old they should've gone the COD route and just focus on MP Leave SP to devs like Rockstar, Naughty Dog, Bethesda, Kojima etc who can actually deliver a great script and narrative
  14. The way I did the math if on average each line of dialogue is 10 seconds long that's how long it would take to listen to everything.
  15. This means it would take you roughly 2 months just to listen to every line of dialogue recorded back to back.
  16. https://www.vg247.com/2018/10/15/red-dead-redemption-2-300000-animations-500000-lines-dialogue/
  17. It's a classic definitely worth a read. Only idiots can dislike a book like that.
  18. Fight club is not a critisism of masculinity, it's a critisism of a shitty nerfed consumerist culture that can push masculinity to its extreme I thought this was obvious
  19. The Matrix is about AI and Fight Club is about a cult. There's no evident post modernism or leftism in either of those regardless of what the authors' personal ideology is. They're both awesome flicks. You're looking too much into it
  20. Best CoD I've played in years though Blackout is a blast and Zombies great as always.
  21. Kavanaugh I think but I didn't see that one I saw the first 2
  22. I was in stitches during the school shooter episode it's South Park at it's rawest
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