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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-the-left-is-consumed-with-hate-1537723198 Damn kudos WSJ!
  2. Who cares about Forza you faggots this thread is about the sequel to last gen's greatest masterpiece. Fuck outta here with that shit
  3. The game took all of Rockstar's resources all their studios combined. I wouldn't count on another GTA for at least 3-5 yrs IMO
  4. We are not ready for the megaton that R* is about to drop on us.
  5. 1) Arthur’s facial hair grows in the game’s real-time, and his options when styling it depend on how long it’s gotten -- just like facial hair in real life. 2) Arthur can shave at his tent in camp, going clean shaven, keeping a full beard and anything between. He can trim the different areas of his face - chin, cheeks, sideburns - so they’re short, medium or long. 3) To change his hairstyle Arthur will need to visit a barber in town. 4) If you don’t eat and rest, Arthur will suffer from fatigue. 5) Arthur will visibly lose or gain weight depending on how much food he eats.
  6. https://www.businessinsider.com/eminem-killshot-diss-biggest-hip-hop-debut-in-youtube-history-2018-9 And third biggest debut of any song in history. Age doesn't effect this guy, Em's gonna be relevant when he's 65.
  7. Conor giggling maniacally every time Khabib talked :D :D
  8. Dane IS a fuckin bitch And I'm hyped as fuck for this fight!
  9. Fallout Boy is still a thing?
  10. There's plenty of black people who think Em's the GOAT or one of the GOATs.
  11. I agree that he's ONE of the GOATs. But he's the best lyricist period IMO. I can't even think of a close second
  12. Wayne has been spitting fire lately too All these GOATs making comebacks I love it.
  13. He's not plain he's corny. Still the greatest lyricist that ever walked the earth.
  14. I couldn't even get through the whole thing. MGK is wack as fuck. The bar for white rappers was set too high by Em, you better be some some lyrical savant or a quirky SJW like Macklemore otherwise you got no chance.
  15. MGK started the beef and got like 100 million views out of click baiting Em Em's response was warranted and necessary
  16. Mr Shady I don't feel so good ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ༽つ ༼ つ ◕_ ◕ ::;:.::..:. . . . . . . . ༼ つ ◕_ :;:.::..:. . . . . . . . . . . ༼ つ :;:.::..:::....:.:... . . . . . ༼ ;::,':;:.::..:::....:.:... . . . . ;.::. .:. : ... . . .. . .
  17. RIP We lost a second white rapper this week
  18. Neither of those men are right wing Heidt and Harris are both liberals. You clearly have no ability to look at the situation objectively if you don't think there's a far left victimhood ideology infecting our culture. Either that of you're already a host that defends the parasite involuntarily. I'm gonna say this for one last time because even having to explain this makes me lose braincells . This isn't about fuckin colleges or college students. This is about the future of Western civilization. College students of today will be running shit 20-30-40 years down the line just like c
  19. I think there's a clear winner at this point Gamespot it is.
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