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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Endgame is Microsoft makes a fuckton of money on gamepass and starts churning out great exclusives non stop that you no longer have to shell out $70 a pop for. Endgame is drowning Sony in an avalanche of quality content in the second half of this gen.
  2. So basically these vaccines ain't stopping this pandemic it's gonna burn out on it's own just like all the other ones in history
  3. Bruh this game needs to be delayed I played the beta on Series X and it was painful. As a Battlefield fan that wasn't even in alpha, that was some early build borderline unplayable shit. Glitch city, terrible framerates, graphics worse than last gen battlefield somehow This game needs at least another full year in development
  4. So what if they did. It wouldn't put a dent on their subscription income. Microsoft is now making half a billion dollars a month on gamepass. Who cares about hardware.
  5. Yeah CRT, Defunt the Police, Vaccine mandates and anti work incentives are swinging the country back to the right. They're gonna blame racist crackers again when Trump or someone like Trump gets elected in 2024 because people are sick of the leftist nonsense again.
  6. It's true though they're saying it out right. Microsoft is Netflix now. Does Netflix care what box you watch them on?
  7. Microsoft doesn't care what system you own as long as you have gamepass. They'd rather you don't own an xbox with gamepass on PC than buy one of the systems with no gamepass
  8. Part of the reason for this is 120 on LG OLEDs has a much lower input lag and going back sucks
  9. How dare you Hideo Kojimason in his infinite wisdom has designed a game that rewards hard work and frustration instead of fun and cheap thrills. A man must earn his pleasure. A man must suffer. Long live Hideo
  10. Man they casualized the fuck out of this game. I had to spend days trudging hazardous deserted landscapes delivering piss and shit grenades to save humanity and these kids are just gonna use jetpacks now? What has our world come to
  11. Don't sleep on this one. Just beat it. It's a solid 9/10 for me. Most innovative FPS since Half Life 2. Pros: Guns, gunplay and powers are all great Runs smooth on PS5 The whole game is an intricate puzzle and it's actually fun to learn how to crack it Voice acting is legendary, NPC enemy interactions are hilarious Art style is great The Julianna invasion mechanic is really cool when it works Cons: Stupid enemy AI Graphics are a little outdated Visionary (boss) battles are too easy Ending is a little disappointing
  12. I'm starting to think you secretly have a tranny fetish the amount of you think about them Being a sheep stuck inside of a lemming's body must've fucked your head up poor guy
  13. Every time games media overrates games these online warriors go and review bomb it. Truth is it's a solid 8 maybe 9 because it gets better the more you play it. So far there's nothing "woke" about this game unless I'm missing something it's pretty apolitical. Unless having a non white protagonist automatically makes you woke.
  14. I played a few hours more and I gotta say this game is starting to earn it's praise. It gets better and better And yea the voice acting is god tier. I lol'd at that
  15. I'm about 4 hours in and the game is just now starting to get good it's a unique concept for sure and intricately designed but I'm not sure it's a 10. I'll have to finish it first.
  16. 10s are unexpected but not that surprising from Arkane. Can't wait to check this out.
  17. Gotta say looks great visually Taken from the previews of the trailer full trailer on Thursday.
  18. Word on the street is the trailer is spectacular let's see how it turns out
  19. Matrix 4 trailer drops on Thursday Playstation showcase is also on Thursday 👀👀👀
  20. Vini

    IGN lmao

    No it's not I got a HDR display it's nowhere near that
  21. You think the one after that will be Ghosts of Hiroshima?
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