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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Wait this is real? GS reviews movies now? And it's some blue haired dude from Portland? This is perfect
  2. 78% and rising on RT. Crow has been served for you haters
  3. We're not disagreeing.The suits at WB DC division are a bunch of twats. Especially that Hamada guy. He is directly responsible for messing with Cyborg and casting out Cavill as Superman. This guy's fuckin terrible
  4. A competent writer can easily start with Avengers and then tell branching stories or prequels. I don't see why comic book universe building has to follow that path at all.
  5. Why does it have to follow the same path as Marvel who set these rules? DC's problem is not the chronology it's that WB execs are fuckin incompetent and they are constantly second guessing everything.
  6. I agree that the premise is hard to pull off but I think they did a decent enough job. Snyder does like to subvert expectations for DC characters (Superman and Batman both kill) but that never bothers me unless the characters have no arc. I fully expect in Justice League the characters will grow into what's more recognizable in comics. The thing is it's not just Batman and Superman, DC is hard to pull off in general especially in light of Marvel's Disney like universe. Just look at the cannon. The only grounded universe you can build is Batman separate from the rest of the Justice
  7. Wow you wrote 5 separate paragraphs for something that can be explained in a sentence: Batman brands the worst of the worst criminals, in this case child sex traffickers. They tend to get shanked in prison. That further enflames Superman knowing every branded criminal that gets sent in probably gets roughed up even worse. Part of Batman's arc is refusing to brand Lex at the end symbolically giving up this barbaric practice. But none of this explains your ridiculous claim that the ultimate edition is inferior to the theatrical which literary nobody else agrees with you
  8. I don't even know what to make of this statement I mean shouldn't all filmmakers be more talented at making films than film goers? Otherwise what would be the point? Also Snyder always seemed like a humble dude to me, your description doesn't add up to reality. The guy makes comic book movies and he does an awesome job at it, nobody ever claimed he's Fellini or Einstein
  9. I thought the movie made a lot more sense extended, I rewatched it recently. Which parts are you referring to? The part with Superman interfering in Africa and causing casualties is a really important new scene because it escalates the growing public and political animosity against him. Superman traveling to Gotham asking around about Batman and then finding out about his violent vigilante ways was also really important to Lex Luthor then successfully pitting these two against each other. Not to mention Louis Lane is actually useful in the extended version and not just a throwaway character.
  10. Y'all listen to critics too much rewatch BvS Ultimate Edition and tell me that's not a bad ass deep dive into human psyche in the presence of a godly being. Basically Watchmen but even more depressing.
  11. Nope. Extended edition is a 8/10 movie. Awesome deconstruction of superheroes and how people would react to them. I also hope hope you're not talking about the original JL which was one of the worst movies ever made.
  12. Critics reviewing it well but it doesn't matter what they think they lost all credibility with me on BvS
  13. No shoehorned ridiculous studio ordered scenes ruin things. Don't try and turn this into a smug SJW holier than thou thing you're on the wrong forum and you're not equipped enough to debate anyone past Dyno's IQ.
  14. It is. This guy's seen the movie
  15. Final trailer is up If you're not hyped you're lying to yourself
  16. What's funny is you're constructing villains and hero's journeys in your head When instead you could just enjoy the ones Snyder constructs. They're much better.
  17. Rottentomatoes 46% not enough female empowerment scenes
  18. Don't worry Vox and NYT will still give it 5/10 too much testosterone not enough winking and jokes.
  19. The CGI and the way the armor moves
  20. Word on the street is hype is so real they're gonna announce JL2 and 3 directed by Snyder after this drops.
  21. Y'all prolly watched that shitty mervelized Joss Whedon version and liked it lmao
  22. Actual character development. I'm glad I never finished the original
  23. at you haters. Snyderverse > Marvel. Accept it.
  24. Out on the 18th. Final trailer: God damn https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/zack_snyders_justice_league Let's go!
  25. Most likely right? Who else at this point. Let's get that UBI piloted in NYC! YANG GANG And no I won't post this in your stupid club subforms that shits retarded
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