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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Yeah same can be said about Baseball and Pokemon cards. I'm super upset I didn't buy them back in the day. I don't want any nerd currency cheap or otherwise no thanks.
  2. It's bad because I hate everyone who advocates for it. They're almost universally douchy tech dorks and I don't trust any of them And I don't see how it solves the main problem with money, which isn't the currency, it's inequality.
  3. https://markets.businessinsider.com/currencies/news/bitcoin-price-cryptocurrency-should-be-curtailed-terrorism-concerns-yellen-2021-1-1029985692? Honestly I think it's about time for this nerd currency to go away, I'm tired of hearing about how great it is. Probably easier said than done though.
  4. I agree with the Paris accord it was a bad move, the Iran agreement was BS and should be renegotiated anyway. You have TDS my friend, get treatment
  5. It also involved a hundred other things that were good. Why are you arguing like a child? Obviously none of it is perfect. Don't take my word for it, Tony Blanken, Bidens pick for State Secretary was in the senate yesterday singing praising to some of Trumps foreign policy.
  6. No, I said what I liked. Basically in your worlds you either completely denounce Trump or you're his apologist. That's a stupid worldview and I won't subscribe to it.
  7. I liked 3 thing specifically. His foreign policy (annihilated ISIS, armed Ukrainians etc), I like his economic policy and the initial anti lobbyist stance.
  8. You got me confused with someone else fuck outta here with that holier than thou bs. I never outright supported or voted for Trump, I still like him and a lot of things he did. Get over it. I also think he deserves to be convicted. And Trump isn't the cause of our divisions you're retarded if you believe that.
  9. Forgot I made that one. And lmao at Jerry ITT Chronic TDS
  10. 'Covidiot' If I hear someone use that word again I will backhand slap their face mask off and cough into their lungs
  11. Full disclosure: I'm actually lil Wayne and I just paid $2 mil for a pardon from Trump YOUNG MOOLAH BABY!
  12. Ah the Resetera PHD mind reader psychologist is on the case. You must be the Professor X of Antifa
  13. This isn't a bad start at all can't wait to try this game on that XseX
  14. I think the precedent of prosecuting a former president is worse than pardoning a potentially criminal one. Coming from a country that does this trust me you don't want to get into this spiral. Once one president gets prosecuted it's open season for every president in the future. (And past ones too). I know you want blood now, but the other half the country will want it even more 4, 8, 12 years from now.
  15. Yeah we need to move on, if Biden really wants to heal he should pardon, even if the Senate convicts him. Trump's still gonna be tied up with major state lawsuits (NY, GA, etc..), but as a symbolic gesture this would go a long way. I know some of you will strongly disagree but yeah
  16. How do I keep it unpatched do I need to keep the console ethernet unplugged the whole time?
  17. I mean can we make an official Dyno vs Jerry thread and let these 2 autistics argue it out in there?
  18. These games are great but my problem is I always end up going straight to the target shooting them in the head and running away within 5 mins every map
  19. If you're playing this game quick tip change the control setting to linear and it's way more responsive.
  20. What a fun game, Deacan is great the way he murmurs shit all the time. Great fighting mechanics feels like cut scenes in real time, great bike physics with driving, shooting, zombies feels like COD zombies. They killed it with this game BTW I'm enjoying it way more than TLOU2 even the characters are better (other than Joel and Ellie)
  21. Every other dev isn't really making a game Deux Ex pretends to be. It's a super ambitious game, and should've been delayed like 6 months. Whatever mistakes were made
  22. Even with PC I think AI needs to be overhauled the way NPCs behave makes no sense.
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