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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. I was convinced TLOU2 was the flop of the gen until Cyberpunk came around. Now I'm not sure
  2. It's just a slow burn Western but structure wise it's just like any other open world R* game.
  3. RDR2 on consoles looks better than all your PC games
  4. The point I'm making is even the worst version of this game looks better than whatever you're playing today. It's embarrassing for everyone else
  5. Hermshit pretending PC graphics are superior at the end of the day you got nothing but point and clicking and alt-tabbing over to the anime porn to look forward to How many times have you upgraded your hardware in the last 8 years. Yea RDR2 looks better than all your games on 8 year old hardware
  6. Dude are you blind or what look at the still images Sign inSign up
  7. Fuck outta here with those ugly ass plants lmao
  8. Nope. You can't possibly reach that conclusion after watching this. Both maxed out. There's rockstar and there's other open world games and it's always been that way stop denying it.
  9. I'm serious I can't find flaws in this game when you look out into the horizon the draw distance and detail is insane. I'm on base xbox one playing on the OLED. I see no weird far away textures like in every other open world game ever made. Look at the distance in TLOU2 in open world areas or God of War or Death Stranding for example. It's all jaggies like green screen in shitty movies. Fuckin wizards made this game. Other devs should be very scared of what Rockstar is about to do on next gen
  10. RDR2 on base Xbox One looks better than any game out there. RDR2 on base Xbox One looks better than Demon's Souls on graphics mode, better than Spider-Man Miles Morales on Graphics mode, looks better than any game on PC ever maxed out other than RDR2. It's mind blowing than an open world game running on 8 year old hardware looks better than anything else. Let's not even get into NPC interaction and physics etc
  11. Normally Breitbart is trash but this is good reporting https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2020/12/24/how-congress-can-give-americans-2k-relief-checks-and-cut-omnibus-pork-to-pay-for-it/
  12. I want to go back to vice city. Small, detailed city and a nice classic 70s or 80s vibe.
  13. I respect this game especially on consoles because there is no auto aim in MP of any kind. Same as PUBG
  14. I guarantee whatever you're playing on is not as smooth as my Series X + CX OLED with free sync
  15. I didn't realize competitive scene is fad, it's a genre doesn't really sail it's always there bro. Maybe you're the one sailing cause you didn't get good
  16. I guarantee you this number is BS, they haven't processed a single return yet. For example people who have physical copies and got told to kick rocks by retailers just got an email response about a process that will take weeks. There's no way they're counting those yet as refunds considering I changed my mind on getting a refund after all the bullshit you gotta do . Picture with a receipt and picture with proof of game code on the back picture with Keanu Reeves and fuckin notary present then I gotta mail the game in fuck outta here. I'll just keep this POS and play it in 6 months
  17. Full 120hz support and still looks insanely good. Damn this is how you update Anyone playing this shit. This game's never been so smooth
  18. Yess more of this in fact send it to him in an email he gets better with more haters
  19. Tom Macdonald is dope for sure But I'm loving this new Em album.
  20. lmao how come nobody says this about country singers, rockstars and popstars only rap really I hope Em continues to spit well in his 70s. He's not even 50 yet. Embarrassing your favorite rappers for half a century.
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