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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Shoot me a PM I'll sell it for $400 or send me an offer. Venmo or PayPal or something. You can use it online.
  2. Once in a century pandemic is prime for fundamental rethinking of the economy. If Biden doesn't use this opportunity he's wasted his presidency
  3. I didn't say anything about sneaking it in. I want them to force it in and destroy everyone in it's way It won't be a partisan fight, it'll be elites vs general public
  4. Yea but if you're thinking strategically, the time to pass something like UBI would be right now, during the pandemic, if the runoffs in Georgia turn blue. Which is why I think Yang literally moved to Georgia to campaign for those 2. The time to pass it is now. Regardless of how this group and that group reacts. And I suspect Biden knows it. Does Biden want his own legacy like Obama had with healthcare or some Bidencare alternative that everyone will call Obamacare anyway. Let's see if he has the balls
  5. No, because I'm still pondering the short term economic apocalypse that threatens to turn us into a dystopia from blade runner
  6. A centrist will take it way further than any of the wokes. When combined with a VAT tax It inherently becomes a centrist policy, everyone gets the same amount literally everyone no questions asked no rules regulations and beurocracy. I've said this many times but the left likes UBI because it gets rid of poverty and the right likes it because it gets rid of welfare and entitlement programs. It shrinks the government while it deals with wealth inequality.
  7. Waiting for it to arrive
  8. Yes especially right now. Last polls showed 77% support among dems and 52% among republicans
  9. Just because progressives win small victories doesn't mean they can win national ones. Unless they have something non divisive like UBI IMO
  10. Yeah, they got slaughtered by their base because they catered to the far left progressives. The progressives will always have support from a large minority, that's not the point.
  11. Who allowed these SJWs to point fingers at conservative black people and decide who the uncle toms are? I see this from white people all the time. Fuck outta here with that
  12. Wells it's happening sooner than I thought https://www.businessinsider.com/aoc-says-she-may-quit-politics-dems-blame-progressives-losses-2020-11 This is after she proposed making a mass list of trump supporters to keep track of. Literally Stalin's instincts. Take your squad with you and don't let the door hit you ass
  13. Vini

    Got FIFA 21

    First match 9-4 PSG-PSG.
  14. Blah blah blah Trump Trump blah What are you gonna do now that he lost? Your purpose in life..
  15. These idiots in "the squad" are soon gonna realize their brand is almost entirely depended on someone like Trump being in power.
  16. Also as my choice for 2024 on the republican nomination side is William Mcraven The guy's badass and can easily take down Trump in the primaries.
  17. I don't think you guys are attacked much here unless you're being overtly stupid/racist. I consider myself left leaning but I have a lot of conservative beliefs and also I believe in balance. I think the friction between the forces of progress and forces of tradition is very important. Otherwise you get unchecked progressivism like communism or unchecked traditionalism like fascism. It's all laid out for us in the last century, it's hell on both sides.
  18. If I were Biden I would shut down the hot zones as they pop up. Work with the governors to squash spreads without having to shut whole areas down. Trace over borders better. Pass a stimulus package immediately with Mitch Pass temporary UBI to keep people out of slipping into poverty. 2k/month like Kamala wants PPP for small business as soon as possible National mask mandate. Doesn't have to be federally enforced but it's good as an idea Implement national rapid free testing and invest in rapid testing. Test results should be same day for everyone a
  19. Nah I've been right about you wokes and you've been in denial because you have zero self awareness
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