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Everything posted by Vini

  1. You asked for an example of an SJW post? Here it is. The vast majority of Trump's base is not racist or xenophobic.
  2. Like usual I don't understand like the second half of what you're going on about so I'll just respond to the first part You just agreed with my point that the Hunter shit was weak no matter what and the whole acrobatics of tech companies censoring it and democrats trying their best to ignore it was pointless and stupid. And now has rightly put a target on the back of the tech companies again which I like. And do you really think the scandals which Trump has been impervious of so far would've factored in at all? The guy's scandal proof. None of that shit matters to his
  3. @Hot SauceAlso I don't disagree that other factors played a part I just emphatically want to point out that SJWs in particular have done nothing but grow Trump's base from the jump
  4. No but that was at the height of the initial backlash/russia scare Let's disagree but I think at the very least he would've had much higher chances. And arguably would've gotten away with a lot more
  5. Pre Covid he would've tightened the race and then dropped this Hunter shit last minute and used it to fuel his base just like 2016, it was all planned out. The plan didn't work because of covid. Too many non voters are voting now.
  6. You pretending to have turned into a Hillary Clinton critic is not gonna work either. Trump won because people got fed up with idiots like you. End of story.
  7. Oh I didn't realize grown folk talk in sporadic sentences that make no sense and hold no grammatical coherence or cohesion
  8. To be honest I haven't really read any of your posts because you make less sense than Kanye West on PCP but I have no problem letting you make this thread into a 10 page banger. Also I'm right regardless of what you say lmao
  9. I'm supposed to do investigative research and shit drop a link in the new thread bruh
  10. I'll answer that when I don't have to look at Jeff Goldblum's titties
  11. Not sure who you're talking to But damn make that sig smaller for fecks sake
  12. It's also a little mind boggling seeing as this crisis seemed like it was just in Trump's wheelhouse. All the fears the left has about his authoritarianism this is the one time everyone was clamoring for authoritarianism to get control of this virus in early stages and he completely failed to take advantage of the moment. We actually wouldn't have minded a shit talking dictator type to get us through the first wave and he probably would've been re-elected with 60% support now.
  13. I feel like whatever empathy I detect in politicians is almost always cynical and performative so I can't use that as a metric. Is the country objectively better than it was before you took office? Pre covid? Yes. After covid? No. Simple as that for me.
  14. Nah pre Covid he did enough for trade, jobs and foreign policy to get re-elected. Easily IMO
  15. Yea the mishandling of Covid at least puts him in the running for that
  16. Speaking now to the resident SJW squad @Goukosan @jehurey @Mr. Impossible and others in case you had any alternative ideas. I have said the same thing to you in 2016 on side scrollers, you and people like you caused this presidency to begin with and you have done absolutely nothing to help avert a second term. The pandemic did. Just wanted to make sure we are clear on that. And now that Trump and all that alt right nonsense is gonna be out of the picture, it's open season for making fun of these snowflakes from all over the center. I can't wait
  17. It's always great when a thread is made about a specific "on camera" event with no video link
  18. Please list them lmao Let me guess something something patriarchy toxic white something?
  19. You're doing lord's work catching us alt right nazis out here keep it up. Sense making mechanism is exactly what the words say it's a mechanism for society to make sense of things, media, journalism, science etc all suffer because of social media making it impossible for people to make sense of things. The Hunter Biden story was not suppressed because it was a conspiracy, it was suppressed because it was purported to be an illegal leak and couldn't be verified. It's been verified and it's most definitely a real Hunter Biden laptop. Regardless the point is
  20. For suppressing a legit story also Effecting elections Spreading conspiracies Spreading child porn Destroying sense making mechanisms Destroying democracy I can go on
  21. I never drew an equivalence to Trump that's silly. But if Biden is president Trump will be out of the picture and the corruption won't contrast so well. It's still a relevant story for the election and the paranoid attempts to bury it and ignore it are hilarious. It won't change a thing, Biden is still gonna be president. Trump still mangled Covid.
  22. Ok so I made an effort to look into this story. There's a potential governance problem here the way Biden allowed his family to take advantage of his position and if Biden is president I think this story helps to illuminate his weaknesses. As far as this effecting Biden's chances in any way against Trump? Nah. If anything he won votes over for sympathy over having a junkie son. The real story here is Twitter, Facebook, Amazon and Google need to be broken up. No more excuses. Nerf time
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