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Everything posted by Vini

  1. lmao don't talk about triggers cow you're playing with fork springs
  2. Sure it is It's most definitely an xbox controller with shitty DualShock triggers.
  3. Xbox 360 had every bit the foothold Sony and Nintendo had that gen. Which is conveniently forgotten now
  4. Microsoft has the ambition to dominate the gaming space next gen and seems to be doing everything to make that a reality. Because it's immensely profitable to be in that position especially with game pass which has been a cash cow already.
  5. Yea and I'm pretty sure Dyno's not a Nazi either..
  6. So let me get this straight the right winger thinks this place is a depressing shithole, The left winger thinks this place is a degenerate shithole. Must be why I like this place
  7. Don't need a miracle just need a repeat of last gen and a slightly larger push towards other markets.
  8. You don't just let shit like racism be because then you get dipshits like BDG running the place. This isn't THE internet it's a forum on the internet. Forums consist of human beings. And human beings need rules to function properly.
  9. Both the Pro and X were hyped as 4k and they both lied.
  10. What you read a Nietzsche book? Relax lmao
  11. I agree with the race baiting moderation. But endless argument is what we do
  12. Neither company has guaranteed sales it's all reset every gen. Consumers can go either way Xbox 360 outsold the PS3 for the whole gen up until like the last few months, and did it without even really breaking into the European and Asian markets. It's all about the initial excitement from the go and the sustained exclusives later on.
  13. I'd have to see what the post processing looks like but if it's anywhere as good as the fake HDR was in RDR2 then I'd be impressed.
  14. This is a ridiculous statement. Microsoft is the most powerful company in the world. They can if they decide to invest 10 times as much as Sony on first party games without even breaking a sweat. If the calculus last gen was exclusives move consoles guess what Microsoft is investing in this gen.
  15. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/11/07/microsoft-apple-and-alphabet-are-sitting-on-more-than-100-billion-in-cash.html Sony - 25B Who can take more short term price risks and bets on a new console? Do the math
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