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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Yeah I'll watch it later. I just think each ep dropping at the same time makes it an event like Game of Thrones where friends get together and watch. If you wanna binge it just wait.
  2. So it's streaming but still dropping once a week? Netflix should pay attention
  3. Fuck you imma still call it Mangolian lol
  4. Or whatever the name is. I always disliked Star Wars but this western vibe got me into it. Plus I like Pedro Pascal's Dredd type character
  5. Game pass is the best deal in gaming. And I'm quoting the article. lol at claiming ownage over 2 games on the whole service.
  6. https://www.ign.com/articles/2019/11/14/xbox-game-pass-adds-rage-2-darksiders-3-witcher-3-this-year
  7. I get this maybe 1 out of 10 games now. The more I play the less scared noobs I run into. There are campers but if your team is worth a damn you can flush them out immediately I completely disagree with the last paragraph especially if you have the perk that alerts you when you're spotted and not looking in their direction.
  8. I haven't played a CoD campaign in a decade you guys overhyping or is it actually worth playing?
  9. This is the COD I got addicted to growing up not the crap they've been putting out for the past decade. You guys playing this? Whats your thoughts?
  10. Vini

    Step Porn

    10/10 would fap again
  11. I give it a week before cows disown this game and Kojima and start calling it a multiplat
  12. Just dropped another point Cows
  13. Here you go https://www.jobs-ups.com You'll get paid for the 10 hours instead
  14. And since when do you twats delete threads instead of locking them. Did I hit a closeted cow nerve?
  15. I'm not posting reviews I'm pointing out cow hypocrisy of shitting on Gears 5 but praising DS for the same score.
  16. Hermshits Imagine paying $2600 more for this upgrade:
  17. Giantbomb review is still looming cows
  18. This week proves cows can't take ownage and Hermshits and Sheep are their sycophants
  19. Down to 83 now lmao What a rollercoaster for you cows. And where did my original thread go? https://systemwars.net/bb/topic/208346-tchbfr-again-and-again/
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