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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Leftovers was leaps and bounds better than this shit.
  2. Nah you can deal with racism in an interesting non partisan way like The Wire Turning Rorschach into some white supremacist cult Jesus just because he's a conservative, they literally had "liberal tears" in the script. Just on the nose far left paranoia like Handmaid's Tale. No subtlety at all.
  3. Did they really have to take this great property and turn it into the wokest show in existence? They managed to make Zack Snyder's mess look good
  4. And as soon as you get close to buildings and cities this game starts looking like shit. Could've prolly used another year of development but still pretty fun
  5. Tablet gaming This is the only way to experience this game on consoles. In HDR:
  6. Vini

    Who saw Joker?

    Nah Thomas was a rich prick Bruce was handled perfectly. Stoic, fearless and emotionless
  7. It's a troll song Eminem introd his greatest hits album with.
  8. That doesn't do shit there's like 10 websites that have dark mode toggles.
  9. This Samsung Internet Browser for Android is able to turn any webpage into dark mode effortlessly. Crome can't do this and neither can Safari. Only in menus and not in actual websites. More browsers need a feature like this. I'm tired of being blinded at night looking at my screen
  10. Vini

    Who saw Joker?

    Damn just noticed this movie is already #10 on IMDB top 250 https://m.imdb.com/chart/top
  11. Vini

    Who saw Joker?

    Its a dumb criticism regardless of the source, I'm just pointing out that wokes use the same criticism with regard to the movies social stance. To the extend that the movie didn't know what it wanted to be it's because Joker doesn't know what he wants to be either. He has juvenile undeveloped ideas about society clearly none of it echoes the filmmakers' own beliefs To the extent that people who made this movie had any agenda it's clearly meant for it to work as a cautionary tale of mental illness and not much beyond that.
  12. Vini

    Who saw Joker?

    The real criticism from the woke community if you will isn't obvious but it's there in most of the negative reviews you read. The problem they have is the movie has a mishmash of social issues without anything coherent to say. They always want a movie to have a clear moral compass pointed towards social justice and this movie simply doesn't have it The point they are missing is that's because Joker himself doesn't have anything coherently interesting to say about society he doesn't believe in anything as pointed out in the movie, he doesn't care about the income inequality or any other social
  13. Vini

    Who saw Joker?

    This is not an origin story of a man becoming crazy. It's an origin story of a crazy man becoming a murderer. Told from his completely unreliable point of view. Why are people confused about this?
  14. Vini

    Who saw Joker?

    Most critics of the film are triggered wokes The director pointed this out. And he was right.
  15. Vini

    Who saw Joker?

    It's insane last night I got high and I actually tried to read the negative reviews. I could barely get through most of them Most of these retards actually thought Joker's demented thoughts represent the message the movie's trying to convey. How fuckin dumb is that? If the movie had any message it's that society needs to be more careful when dealing with mental illness. Its mind boggling how this can go over the heads of so called professional critics so easily
  16. Vini

    Who saw Joker?

    Rottentomatoes and Metacritic are officially compromised trash. I'm done with those sites. They need a wokeness purge immediately.
  17. Vini

    Who saw Joker?

    It didn't IMO Very different takes on the character but I think Ledger nailed the voice and mannerisms more. Phoenix is a very close second for me
  18. Vini

    Who saw Joker?

    100% within the bounds of reality but it was surreal at times. I don't want to spoil too much but think American Psycho.
  19. Vini

    Who saw Joker?

    Also reminded me of American Psycho a lot
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