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Everything posted by Vini

  1. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/game_of_thrones/s08/e06 Why are these people so triggered holy shit. All the shit they complain about is straight from the books. Dany turning evil and Bran becoming king is all obviously GRRM.
  2. Basically the electoral college of elite lords choosing who the king is after the current one dies or gets voted out I guess. I like how Samwell brought up the idea of true representative democracy and everyone laughed him off lmao
  3. Also I'm pretty sure they "rushed" the show because the only story left was White Walkers get defeated, Dany burns King's Landing, Jon kills Dany, Bran becomes King. GRRM will now play that out with many books full of noble house feuding and descriptions of food and clothing
  4. Imagine if these clowns did the same nitpick BS with Breaking Bad last season. What's the likelyhood Walt saw his past business partners on TV the exact moment he was giving himself in? Why wouldn't the gang he shot up at the end check the trunk of his car to make sure he wasn't armed? Anyway I'm done arguing about this show it's over. We're not gonna agree. I enjoyed the shit out of this season. You can keep looking for flaws.
  5. Fired it up with the new HDR God damn St Denis at night is unreal
  6. Look at these idiots uploading pussified versions of the last episode where Dany "accidentally" kills civilians. Fuck that shit she snapped and saw red. Burned the whole city and made Cercei watch.
  7. Saw it last night. Fuckin awesome. This franchise doesn't skip a beat
  8. We will never know. First we have to prove that we're capable of simulating worlds indistinguishable from out reality. And then chances of us being in base reality decrease significantly. But even then how would we ever know for sure. Maybe AI will tell us The free will "outside" of the simulation could also be part of a larger simulation . In order for us to be truly non deterministic on some level I think you have to invoke something divine and transcendent that exists outside of the simulation itself. And it has to be conscious. Otherwise I don't see free being real
  9. I just read a theory that would effectively undo all the criticism about the writing this season. I'm not even gonna post it here because it seems too real I'll save you guys from being spoiled. Fucking amazing if it's real
  10. No I meant a somewhat satisfying conclusion to the arc. Every heroic character on this show met an ugly end
  11. Characters like Theon and Jaime should be grateful they even got some form of redemption no matter how minuscule Somehow I don't think Jon will enjoy the same fate
  12. The pacing is accelerated I do agree that the show would have benefitted from 10 episode seasons for the past 2 seasons. But that's not why most people are complaining. There's a sense of dread this season that everything is building to a tragic end that invalidates a lot of the progress these characters have made. And that's exactly what's intended, both by the book author and the showrunners. This story is a tragedy. There will be no satisfying cathartic end there was never intended to be one. It was clear by the end of the first season for me. Nobody got the shorte
  13. This reaction says way more about the fandom than about David and Dan. Toxic entitled online mob shit
  14. Exactly. They showed just enough of Dany's other side to make her flip to mad queen sensible yet still surprising. People still held out hope until the very scene she started burning civilians. Apparently it would've been better if we were honey dicked into her turning into the mad queen. Where's the fun in that? If I knew exactly what was going to happen in that episode it would've ruined the surprise.
  15. That's what it felt like to me, after the episode was over I was in shock every bit as when I saw the red wedding. And this episode had the most raw depiction of war brutality of sacking a city I've ever seen. So fuck off with your privileges you over reacting little girls
  16. And you know what I'm tipping my hat to the show runners because they literally broke the fans I didn't think they could top the Red Wedding but this is on another level
  17. Nah bro, I don't buy it. You're just digging deeper with this dumb shit A surprise attack over the sea with no backup vs dive bombing from clouds while the enemy is distracted by your army that's backing you up. And your question is why didn't she attack alone? The more you spell out your criticism the more vacuous it becomes. I'll knock a point off for a rushed conclusion, but this season is at least an 8/10 for me so far. [
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