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Everything posted by Vini

  1. lmao the 3 stooges of butthurt entitled Game of Thrones fandom Bodying plebs by making up fan fiction arcs and crying when they don't play out
  2. I changed my post after noticing you were talking about Ep4, my point still stands. And I thought it was clear that in EP4 the Iron Fleet had the upper hand as they pulled a surprise attack while Dany was in a vulnerable position . In Ep 5 she's the one with the surprise attack with the much less vulnerable position of dive bombing them from the sky and eliminating the majority of the threat before they could concentrate aim. I guess we really are watching two different things because none of that was unclear in any way to me. Literally every ship was aiming at her in
  3. First of all she didn't snap in this episode she had decided days prior that she was going to rule with fear after that scene with Jon. After the bells rang we're watching her reluctantly pursuing her plan, which is made tougher by the surrender. She was probably hoping for the city to put up a fight so she had a reason to burn them. As far as I can tell she killed 2 birds with one stone, established herself as the most ruthless leader this world her ever seen and broke the wheel at the same time just as she promised. No more politicking, this is supreme leader dictator type shit.
  4. Nope we're just disagreeing on the process Dany's turn was totally earned for me in this episode. She had countless motivations to do so in that moment and leading up in prior episodes
  5. My sensibilities are fine, I question his and yours though. If you thought Jaime's story arc was one of turning into a good guy that's your problem not the show's. Same as if you thought the NK was some mastermind and not a mindless killing machine. Or if you thought that Dany was ever gonna be a good ruler. That's either wishful thinking or inability to pay attention. Or both.
  6. Oh right the arc that he made up in his head about Jaime Lannister being a loving caring person who cares about the common people, a regular Jesus Christ.
  7. lmao please educate me what higher plane level of understanding are you two operating at that I'm in denial about? Sounds to me like a bunch of whiners who don't agree with the direction the show is taking it's characters and are nitpicking everything to the Nth degree
  8. It's official for about half the viewers apparently. For us regular viewers who are not amateur critics we're loving this shit. Way better than S7 for me This season is divisive as fuck.
  9. Enjoyed it greatly. If JW1 is 9/10 second one is 8/10 for me.
  10. They're giving this shit away for $1 There's no way it's popular
  11. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/john_wick_chapter_3_parabellum
  12. Dude you just said the character's whole arc is ruined because of one line of dialogue, I can't strawman a strawman. Theon's arc made sense for Theon because Theon was a bitch ass emotional rollercoaster the whole show so his bravery was transformational. I don't expect same A to B transition with every character, that would be too simplistic and formulaic. I expect some characters to transform and others to have a cyclical fate. Jamie came back home to die with Cersei but he still had a great journey on his way that humbled him in many ways. That's enough for a character like Jai
  13. Rewatching the episode and seeing Cersei's reaction to Dany burning the king's landing I think Cersei added to the incentive for Dany. Dany wanted Cersei to see what she's capable of "Cersei thinks she's uncompromising? I'll fuckin show her" type shit
  14. And who said the arc completes there? He left to fight for the living against the dead, there was no indication he left to get away from Cersei. He still loved Cersei. Again reading between the lines that just aren't there.
  15. yeah it begins in E1 yet you're going back to when he apparently cared about people when he killed the Mad King and yet had no issues throwing a child out of the window in the first episode of the show You're connecting dots that just don't exist and making things up about characters and then act disappointed when the show doesn't follow your logic. This is evident by you claiming that the NK was anything but a mindless zombie while the show showed no indication otherwise.
  16. No you're just reading way more into Jaime's character than was actually depicted. You're doing the same with the NK. The show can't live up to your made up expectations. And your criticism of Jaime's arc apperently has to do with what he did before his arc even began in the show when he killed the mad king. Which doesn't even make sense.
  17. Nah you're just nitpicking. It doesn't even make sense to consider the whole character ruined because of one line of dialogue. Now that's delusional.
  18. Sounds to me like he saved himself and Cercei by killing the mad King None of this tells me he came out as a saint On top of this you're referring to events before his arc even began in this show. Your cticicism of his arc is completely illogical.
  19. Oh please, one line to his brother doesn't invalidate a whole arc. He's talking shit like he always does, he did the same with Breanne If the claim is he ended up where he began in the show just because he walked away from Breanne and told Tyrion he doesn't care about people that's just ridiculous.
  20. I don't think it invalidates his arc at all though. At the end of the day he still loves Cercei more than anyone or anything else. That doesn't invalidate anything it's just a fact he can't control. It's not like he joined forces with Dany and helped slaughter people he just wanted nothing to do with anything other than making sure Cercei was ok. It's sweet and totally fitting for him. I'm not sure why you feel he got invalidated
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