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Everything posted by Vini

  1. I don't think any of this botched his ending. To me the turning point of Jaime's character was when his hand got cut off, he became a more sympathetic character. I don't think he particularly loves people he's probably mostly a sociopath like his sister but a much more self reflective more forgiving sociopath. I can't speak to his true motivations for stopping the mad King but he didn't seem to have any problems throwing a child to his death after all that The only issues I have with this season so far are the writing goofs that you pointed out already like the sudden
  2. Honestly I think the disagreement comes in here. I don't mind a rushed third act of the show. Also you're gonna hate this take but I thought the send-off of Jaime and Cercei together was perfect. They came into the world together and went out the same. I think Jaime claiming that he doesn't care about people was exxagerrated because he was trying to save Breanne from having feelings for him after he left. He was lying to her. At least that's how I saw it I have more thoughts about your take I will respond later when I'm not on my phone.
  3. Just ignore this faggot What are the preidctions for next week? Who does the deed Jon or Arya? Or do they both die and Dany rules with an iron fist?
  4. @Hot Sauce and @madmaltese are both posting totally legit criticisms yet nobody seems to pounce on them. I wonder what you're doing different
  5. Is this Jerry's alt? This dude is now basking in the fact that he's the center of attention in a thread after spamming for 10 pages straight posting the same shit over and over again.
  6. Also anyone who thinks me and @Goukosan are of the same hivemind has clearly not been paying attention for the past 2 years lmao
  7. I'm totally fine with you having a different opinion I'm not fine with you spamming the thread with retarded memes And this season is fine, it just had it's best episode.
  8. It's one thing to be discontent it's another to spam the thread and call everyone who likes the show idiots.
  9. This show is so divisive I love it. it's great that mainstream storytellers still have balls to not care about what fans want.
  10. Nobody went out the way I expected, except maybe Clegane. Were you happy with how Ned Stark died? Humiliated and beheaded? How about Robb? Have we been watching the same show here? And Dany's turn into full Tyrant is totally in character for me. She was always inclined to punish people and instill fear, she just took a step further now that she's lost everything. Including a legitimate claim to the throne.
  11. I wouldn't say she's a mental case she's a successful tyrant. She realized the only way they would respect her unquestionably is through fear not love.
  12. From youtube comment lol: Season 1: Dany burns Mirri Maz Dur Season 2: Dany burns the House of the Undying Season 3: Dany Burns Astapor Season 4: Dany Crucifies the masters of Mereen Season 6 : Dany Burns Vaes Dothrak Season 7 : Dany Burns the wagon Train from high garden Season 8: Dany burns kings landing "omg it's so out of character"
  13. It was interesting how these seemingly noble Northerners turned savage as soon as Dany started burning civilians, how soldiers behave under a tyrant. Like many times in human history Real as shit
  14. I love this shit. This show is the antidote to Disney BS GRRM's intention with Dany is clear now. Her story is a villain origin story. Even though he tricked his readers and audiences into thinking she's the hero yet every beat got her closer to her destiny. And she's way more interesting and menacing now than Cersei ever was.
  15. "Omg the show is ruined, worst show ever now, pure garbage." You're either a 13 year old girl or a troll.
  16. By the way @madmaltese in retrospect you make good points. Even though I think you're wrong about the NK. @Remij_ however is being a cunt ITT
  17. I would actually argue red herrings are more often than not distastefully done. I didn't mind it in this show because I've seen no proof of the NK representing anything but mindless chaos. I stand by the NK not being conscious. He's not any more conscious than a queen bee is. And I'm fine with any legit criticism of the show This ain't legit criticism. At best you're baiting to troll fans. And that video is unwatchable
  18. 100% agreed the show is at a different place and pace now it's accelerating to a finish point. The third act can't possibly have the same novel shock value of your favorite characters dying because the story is wrapping up anyway.
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