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Everything posted by Vini

  1. The more I zoomed in the more psychedelic it got trippy ass colors and lights dancing WTF
  2. Bitch please nobody cares about your geeky complaints about every plot beat. I let you idiots drone on for 10 pages before I jumped in. Now I'm gonna call you out every time you endlessly bitch about shit that would barely knock a single point off the whole experience in retrospect These are the same people who bitched about Ed Sheeran's cameo and dissect Star Wars movies and shit.
  3. These guys are pissed not everyone hates the show as much as they do now but yet can't articulate exactly what's wrong with the plot they hate so much Euron is a useless plot device/disruptor - yeah, guess what so was littlefinger in season 1, Stannis in 2-4, Ramsey in 5-6 and the Night King in 7-8. And yes he has aimbot. Dany should've seen the attack coming - so let's see here, with her closest right hand man dead, her legitimacy to the throne revoked, one of her dragons dead and little to no army left - no she's having a full blown meltdown, I don't think she's thi
  4. I am happy about it. And these characters have always been making retarded decisions. Tyrion has never been useful, literally the worst hand for any king to have. Dany has constantly almost got herself killed for being hotheaded since season 1, luck is her only saving grace. Jon has always been too heroic for his own good, always doing what's right over sensible. Robb well you know what Robb did his family slaughter is on him. Jamie finally embraced what he has always been -Cercei's cuck. Sansa and Arya are both clever but still probably too loyal to each other and their family. Same shit that
  5. No you just have no clue about what you're even arguing, trying to sound smart jumping on the nitpick bandwagon. Are you now claiming that the NK was not a red herring? Because that's literally what happened. He got killed by a child. And guess what else remember 8 seasons of Dany being the protagonist of the show? I'm pretty sure she's about to lose her mind and get Ned Starked. And I can't wait to see your reactions.
  6. I mean I know Nolan's Batmans were amazing but that last Apes movie was too good of an ending.
  7. The NK was always either a red herring or connected to a more important character. Both options were totally legit considering how they've presented him so far. He turned out to be a red herring
  8. you're the one who started this argument. I'm just saying my theory is he has no backstory, not after he got turned into the NK. They explained in the second episode of this season that the white walkers serve no purpose other than to represent death. There is no arc there. I'm happy to be proven wrong, but nothing I've seen so far suggests otherwise.
  9. I'll give you that. But to claim that he was built up as some genius master planner and got shafted at the end is simply not true.
  10. Just because they all flock to a leader doesn't make him tactical or conscious. Plenty of animal species have leaders they organize around doesn't make them conscious or intelligent in the same way humans are He was the smartest kid in a retard class. Whoopty fuckin doo. Also his lieutenants were always useless. Jon killed one while exhausted and the other one got killed by that fat fuck Sam. So I'm not surprised they couldn't even see Arya coming especially after she's been training to be stealthy for years. Whatever man this argument is stupid. I disagree that the Ni
  11. Let me take a wild guess here you haters of the last episode are Daenerys fans right? This bitch is losing her mind and so are you guys
  12. Yea miss me with that describing food items for 5 pages straight I'd rather watch dragons thanks.
  13. What tactics? Let the zombies run in? Go after the three eyed Raven? Where's the tactics? This dude's been in like 6 scenes total and I've never seen any planning or tactics. I haven't even seen him communicate in any way. You're just making shit up now
  14. Also you guys realize that GRRM is involved with every major story beat right? If the NK is a mindless zombie in the show guess what he's a mindless zombie in the book too. You think he's gonna reveal some master plan that is pivotal to the story that D&D decided to just skip? These people are literally mad their fan fiction theories.didnt come true. Give me a fuckin break.
  15. Give me an example of when the Night King has been shown to have any type of a master plan. All this dude ever did was kill people, raise the dead and stare people down.
  16. Well let's agree to disagree then. Plenty of people enjoyed the last 2 episodes including critics I loved the third ep. Perfect send-off to Jorah and Theon and I loved that Arya got to kill the NK
  17. Look I've entertained theories like everyone else about the Night King but at no point has the show given me an impression that the NK is concious or has any sort of a plan short of wiping out the living. There's no excusing anything. The author and showrunnera knew long before that he was just a mindless zombie this isn't some last minute decision.
  18. Jesus you're insufferable. Why are you even posting ITT just to complain? Go watch Handmaid's Tale or something
  19. I do have a feeling the show has one giant surprise twist left either next episode or the finale I can't fuckin wait
  20. Yea but whoever he was is long dead and we're watching a zombie. I might be wrong but that's how it seems to me. I'm open to either possibility I was never that interested in the dead though other than impressive set pieces they didn't contribute much to the show.
  21. By the way the way they merked Rhaegal last episode as the epic dragon music kicks into high gear just as you think they're the safest and then cuts off abruptly. Props to David and Dan. These guys are master trolls.
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