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Everything posted by Vini

  1. This is a thread started by a smug SJW featuring me shitting on smug SJWs On topic as fuck
  2. We did, and it sucks. UBI will replace welfare, it's the next level. In Yang's proposal for example you lose welfare if you opt in for UBI
  3. UBI is easier, less controversial, garners universal support and addresses the same problems
  4. Yes that's exactly correct. You can't equalize past oppression without pissing off half the population and making things worse. It's not a simple math formula
  5. lol Jerry there's no such thing as HIGHER UBI. UBI is universal basic income. Means the same income for everyone. Not based on racial oppression. MLK wasn't for higher UBI for black people, he was for UBI for everyone. Because he transcended his vengeful inclinations which you still seem to have trouble with All of this is true and none of it is solvable or undoable. The only thing we can do is lift the tide and hopefully it lifts all boats.
  6. UBI is not an alt right talking point lmao That's not strategy that's attempting to solve a morally and practically unsolvable equation. People born today had no participation as individuals in slavery they don't deserve to be punished for it or it's continued effects. How are you going to tell a poor white man his black neighbor deserves more than he does for reasons he has no control over?
  7. Before one of you halfwits inevitably proclaims: "Maybe these fragile white people should stop freaking out" That's not the point look at it strategically
  8. Hey you guys want an example of unproductive identity politics? Someone tell this goofball that you can do the same with UBI without pissing off half your population
  9. Apparently last's months death toll is the only metric that matters right? Not the effect the extreme left has on the culture
  10. Oh look the third stooge in here to defend the bad faith arguments of his autistic cousin with out of context quotes
  11. If we're talking about the death toll of the past century I suggest you look it up before you get embarrassed because the far right has nothing on the far left.
  12. Where? And don't make me post the definition of totalitarianism for your stupid ass
  13. You think I'm gonna play along with your stupid ass red herrings Jerry? I'll answer that when you answer to the combined death toll of leftist policies of the last century compared to the far right. Every time you get into it with me I will expose you for the bargain bin Noam Chomsky that you are. Transparent as a jelly fish and about as full of substance too
  14. Oh so death tolls are now paramount? I thought you were in an idea war. The goal post moving is no joke huh How about how many people has the far left killed the past century compared to the far right?
  15. And don't give me that civil rights comparisons from the 60s unless you want to get clowned. You have nothing in common with those people.
  16. Black Lives Matter #MeToo Trans Rights movement Third Wave Feminism Anti "Islamaphobia" movements All fringe non fact based unscientific anti free speech identitarian movements And are you ready? You support all of them.
  17. Oh here comes the sleight of hand of turning far left activism into a simple idea battle "We're changing the hearts and minds sweetie, is that too much to ask for?" You're full of shit. You want a forced regulated totalitarian progress not a slow sensible democratic one. Which is why you've never seen an SJW cause you weren't excited about.
  18. Nationalist sentiments arise when you can't make a good salary? There's no proof of this whatsoever you just pulled it out of your ass. Do me a favor and read about what nationalism is: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nationalism And again, UK's immigration laws have nothing to do with it. People were upset by EU's immigration laws.
  19. Says the guy who believed in collusion for 2 years straight
  20. Yes the politics of more inclusion and the equality of outcome that is required to achieve it is not just a threat to me I think stopping it is a civilizational emergency. I'm not even gonna respond to the teen girl level second part of your post
  21. Except those aren't just buzzwords to me, they're viruses akin to fascism and marxism And I'm not exactly sure how you're connecting income inequality and economic woes to right wing nationalism but I guess if you say it enough times it starts to make sense. And I'm afraid when it comes to ideologues the burden of proof after this conversation is not on me to prove whether I'm not an ideologue, it's on you. Because it's clear that you don't believe EU's refugee policy tilted too far left to begin with which renders you unable to even consider it extremist and ideologic
  22. https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jun/24/voting-details-show-immigration-fears-were-paradoxical-but-decisive I'm just going to leave this here. You're just not paying attention at all if you think fear of EU's policies infiltrating UK is not the reason people voted to leave. And I'm not exactly sure what ideological box you've put me in. I hate the fringe left and right equally.
  23. You're not serious right? The UK left the EU because of EU's immigration policies. Not because of UK's. How can you be this confused by what's happening in your own culture? Jesus you must be so deep in the bubble. The whole Western civilization is experiencing the same effects of these fringe leftist policies. Get your head out of the sand
  24. I didn't say white nationalism in the UK, I said nationalism. White nationalism is mostly an American phenomenon at the moment. But they both have the same cause for suddenly becoming popular Whatever particular list of grievances fringe nationalists had in UK got tipped over the edge by far left refugee policies. Whether you call it SJW or not it's the same extremist brand of identity politics that caused the rise of nationalism all over the West. You think it's a coincidence that Trump got elected right after Brexit? Arguably the most immigration restrictionist nationalist candid
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