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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. PC gaming sucked way before Gabe Newell came long. Nothing but twitchy point and click shooters and boring ass strategy/RPG games for smelly ass hermshits
  2. 2-5 years from now SJW leftism will be the laughing stock of humanity Everyone will know you guys were to blame for the rise of nationalism, Brexit and Trump and we will never let identitarianism and intersectionality become mainstream again.
  3. Fixed that for you Nobody was triggered by Wonder Woman
  4. Vini

    Jimbo why?

    Yes especially the fat ugly ones
  5. They should keep the current form just make it a little bulkier, grippier and heavier
  6. Vini

    Jimbo why?

    Cooke how many times did you fap to this
  7. What do you expect her to say? She's a costar and contractually tied to the show.
  8. lmao I will keep bumping this as this weasel goes down
  9. https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/04/us/jussie-smollett-chicago-investigation-bill/index.html
  10. Oh look another white knight save a ho in here. I'm calling her what she is, period. These castratos calling me fragile.. Jesus
  11. How much is this in real money?
  12. So let me get this straight, they trolled RT user reviews and that's why you're celebrating the movie? Why didn't these trolls do the same to Wonder Woman and Black Panther? Could it be because Brie Larson deserves to be trolled? And still none of this explains why you're championing this Ant Man level origin story
  13. Except I'm here to tell you that criticizing Brie Larson is not cries of man children because I'm not a man child and I think she's a delusional quack. On the level of Cathy Griffin and Lena Dunham And the only reason you're defending her is her delusional ideology matches yours
  14. Dude we are literally in a thread made by you celebrating a mediocre comic book movie crossing a billion dollar mark despite some people talking shit about the lead actress
  15. You guys made it into the female liberation movie of your time because you overreact to every criticism of Brie Larson like she's your fuckin sister
  16. The alt right couldn't fill a bus in WASHINGTON DC Move the fuck on
  17. His point still stands, you're still pushing back against a portion of the population so negligibly small that you're almost required by your own ideology to invent boogiemen everywhere else to sustain your fight. You'll be lucky to find a thousand people in this whole country who think only white men should make or star in superhero movies. WTF are you even talking about? And why is Captain Marvel all of a sudden THE female liberation movie of our time for you people? Why wasn't Wonder Woman? Or Alita for that matter? Because a lot of people think Brie Larson is a fuc
  18. This movie could've made 10 billion dollars and dumped all over Avatars box office, it still wouldn't make Brie Larson any less of a feminazi misandrist
  19. He tickled my funny bone and I've been laughing at you since
  20. You concerned about egoes or embarrassing yourself by aligning with that clown? Looks like this might be your Avenatti.
  21. Vini


    He's good but he looks like Cartman
  22. Vini


    This is my favorite older song of his
  23. Vini


    Still the only white rapper other than Eminem I can take seriously
  24. I don't give a shit about what you guys talked about before. I never mentioned anything about wealth. And I have no idea who Jeffrey Epstein is what does this have to do with Smollett? You should bitch about him in the R Kelly thread
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