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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Vini


    Still the only white rapper other than Eminem I can take seriously
  2. I don't give a shit about what you guys talked about before. I never mentioned anything about wealth. And I have no idea who Jeffrey Epstein is what does this have to do with Smollett? You should bitch about him in the R Kelly thread
  3. I'm saying facts son take it or leave it
  4. Yeah except I never said anything about wealth did I? Try again And don't try to make this a tribal thing not gonna work with me go bait Deeno with that shit. I got nothing but love for black people and black culture. But there's bad apples everywhere and you're doing your best to keep rotting
  5. Hate to break it to you LCD owners but I've owned the KS9800 Samsung's best FALD set and had seen the Sony Z9D widely considered the best LCD on the market in the same room with any entry level OLED and OLED easily shits on all over both OLED is basically 4k Plasma you can't fuck with it
  6. You demanded some non existent straw man narrative and want me to agree to it? lol Jerry who falls for this shit Show me a white guy who staged a hate crime and then had a bunch of white people defend him for ideological reasons and I'll shit on all involved
  7. This isn't even in the same dimension of what I said. Black people who defend people like OJ, Smollett, Cosby etc are not interested in "minority issues". They're interested in power dynamics against white people. They're as despicable as your average white supremacist. Same reason you hold progressivism over white people. If you're white you better dance to my progressive tune of or I'll figure out a way to brand you a racist and turn you into persona non grata
  8. I get it now. This whole progressive act is a cover for some good old cracker hatin
  9. No, I'm saying you're a bitter racist black dude. Nothing liberal about that
  10. You actually think that's a liberal belief lmao That's a bitter angry black racist belief. Same people who supported OJ
  11. When I describe you and @McWicked I'm not describing liberals because you are not liberals
  12. No I literally have no idea what you're saying
  13. Oh so now it's about liberals? I thought it was about race. Pick your opressed tribe will ya
  14. In fact, seeing as you clowns are the ones who started this thread, the burden of proof isn't on me to prove anything, it's on you to show the same amount of enthusiasm next time a white man gets away with a hate crime hoax And I will be watching Jerry.
  15. Lmao niice try weasel This isn't about a rich guy getting away with crime it's about a hate crime hoax. And the point I was making, which went right over your head, is you're using past opression and injustice as an excuse to align with a black man who committed a hate crime hoax and celebrating that he got away with it. That is what you're doing ITT.
  16. I'm perfectly ok with following that rule myself and have never taken anyone's side simply due to the color of their skin You on the other hand...
  17. Or my point completely went over your head Sure next time a white celebrity stages a hate crime hoax I'll hold him accountable. Or at the very least I won't take his side because of the pigment of his skin like your dumb racist ass
  18. My current OLED is 23ms and 10 drop should be pretty good
  19. Yeah I forgot about 120hz the C9 is gonna be the shit
  20. "I'm glad a black person got away even if he's guilty in a white dominated judicial system that has historically opressed black people and has let white people off" Just a reminder that if you have this attitude you're a piece of shit
  21. This guy's not only going down he's taking half of Chicago with him
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