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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. It's ridiculous and just like Logan works best if you've seen the culmination of these movies
  2. I can respect that. It's certainly the most grounded movie they've made.
  3. Logan was great but Infinity War really hit the home run for me Anyone dismissing all these movies is really missing out. There are some real gems out there, especially Russos Marvel movies Winter Soldier deals with the themes of surveillance state fresh off the heels of the Snowden leaks Civil War was basically right wing vs left wing ideology of big brother Stark vs small government Cap Infinity War has the best villain since the Dark Knight and the most subversive story and that's why I consider it on par
  4. I'm not even mad. Infinity War was the best thing to happen to the superhero genre since The Dark Knight. Anything from these 2 brothers is gonna be gold they should do some DC movies next
  5. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    Almost every idea or person you supported has hurt the Democratic Party more than any anti democrat republican you bitch about
  6. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    This Nascar driving badass lawyer will be the the end of Trump
  7. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    This thread is about you and you alone
  8. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    @jehurey been a rough week for you lmao https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/25/michael-avenatti-to-be-charged-with-wire-and-bank-fraud.html Stormy Daniels' ex-lawyer Michael Avenatti arrested for alleged $20 million extortion scheme against Nike, embezzling client's money, defrauding bank
  9. Vini


    Riverboat Casino Captain
  10. This games pretty fuckin good all around. The AI encounters are repetitive but the dark zones are the shit
  11. No Tarantino film is ever irrelevant even if it's about 5 people in one room like his last one.
  12. Man it has been a good fucking year so far
  13. Looks fun as shit And did they resurrect Bruce Lee for this shit
  14. Thank you google for bringing the lulz back to SW
  15. fuck you google I thought this was gonna be a real console
  16. Google assistant button lmao Hard pass. Fuck this streaming BS
  17. Damn I'm surprised some people didn't like BR2049 this much I thought was up there with the original.
  18. Not every critic of Islam is now guilty by association just because some psycho uses them as fuel This notion is fuckin stupid
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