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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. BR2049 was a masterpiece The upcoming Terminator shows promise based on the people involved.
  2. Vini

    The Jig Is Up

    Cows are so easy to troll
  3. Vini

    The Jig Is Up

    Jonbone either trolling or another weak ass lemming Xbox will rise again next gen.
  4. This is DOA if this is another internet streaming box bullshit Hopefully they got some real hardware innovations to announce
  5. There's no proof that rape was the norm with cavemen. Women have always had the selection factor in the human race as far as what genes got passed down. The country is Georgia: https://theculturetrip.com/europe/georgia/articles/a-brief-history-of-georgias-only-female-king/
  6. Holy shit you know nothing of the past other than whatever post modern power struggle bullshit you've been fed by whoever you're parroting. You're taking extreme cases like Genghis Khan and conquering warlords with armies raping people and blanketing the whole human race with it. Rape was never the norm for human beings not for hunter gatherers and not for most civilizations that ever existed after. It's not even the norm for apes and our closest relatives in the animal kingdom. And women have never been as opressed as the picture you paint. Hell in my country we had a female king
  7. Jesus Christ Men are supposed to solicit women it's a biological imperative to mate. You wouldn't have a society if men stopped soliciting women. Quit the leftist philosophizing and go locate your nutsack
  8. Nobody ever claimed there's no creeps out there and this shit I'd like 20 years old. And your automatically siding with females no matter how ridiculous they are is pretty silly
  9. I switch back and forth from normal to elite all the time and any advantage is completely negligible.
  10. How does the elite controller compromise anything?
  11. Since we're using race analogies ITT if I post something about getting weird vibes from a black guy in a dark alley and then follow it up with "Life as a white guy is a life on defense". You wouldn't smell a tinge of prejudice there?
  12. The second part of the statement kind of gives it away Life as a woman is a life on defense. Defense from what? Normal male behavior?
  13. If you're arguing that it was a pointless statement I completely agree with you Yet I can't help but smell a tinge of virtue signaling and misandry in the air
  14. So by drawing that parallel you somehow believe that women were as oppressed as slaves in the past? Because that's fuckin ridiculous. You're not gonna meme your way out of this horrendous false equivalence. So let me rephrase that for you: Men don't have to change their behaviors either for the fact that there's a small percentage of men who are predators or due to some cockamamie gender studies ideology of oppression and "patriarchy". The only sexist in this conversation by definition is you. Defining men by either the most fringe or by their ancestors. Saying that ou
  15. What's more offensive is that you would draw that equivalence. You serious?
  16. Here's a short version: NkwxWwzDjtKV2wkV.mp4
  17. Oh here we go Which part of that was sexist oh captain my captain save a ho? Did you fail to notice the word some before women?
  18. That's what I meant when I said defensive, in a protective sense. Look women have to be more vigilant than men in public because they're physically weaker and there are rapists out there. This fact doesn't need to be underlined every time some dude awkwardly asks for her number because she smiled. And men don't have to reinvent their behavior and shit just because some women have anxiety about their existential perils.
  19. What do you mean defensively? She smiled at a guy and he asked her out. Why does she have to get defensive about it?
  20. Fuck outta here, there's no excuse to say shit like this. There is no context you're just making up a narrative A bad pickup attempt and she's playing a victim because of it. Say no and walk away
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