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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. They can, but there's monopoly laws. Are you taking a moral stance? I'm not sure what you're saying. I think we're in for a competitive gen that's gonna be better than the last. And Sony will be forced to launch a real subscription service with day one new games. Which is better for everyone involved. Thanks to MS paying for each new game is a now an outdated idea.
  2. Cows don't play FPS they prefer third person movie simulators.
  3. Most normal people see competition as a good thing and one company dominating the whole gen a bad thing. And then there's Cows.
  4. Yeah they needed a gamepass competitor like a year ago, but like all the cows here they didn't take it seriously. Now it's too late. They're launching another half ass subscription service called Project Blueballs or some shit that nobody will care about because new exclusives won't be day one.
  5. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-01-19/sony-drops-9-6-in-wake-of-microsoft-activision-deal Cows still have no idea what's happening here. They were so sure this gen was won I can't wait for the incoming slow meltdown on this forum.
  6. Why do the studios need to be profitable if gamepass overall is profitable? Microsoft can afford to make these short term losses they have more disposable money than any other company in the world.
  7. Exclusivity is part of it. Gamepass will eventually become more expensive like Netflix inevitably so exclusivity will come in handy.
  8. I have plenty of VR experience and it's always the same shit. It's for a niche audience that always preach about it's incoming renaissance. Truth is you weirdos just end up using it for porn 95% of the time when you're not busy playing Half Life Alyx for 10th time over.
  9. Here's my unpopular opinion: Every VR ever is a failure. It's a gimmick, like 3D and always will be. Unless you're one of the metaverse weirdos.
  10. I'm not getting into a 5 page argument with you so I'll respond once. Gamepass has had a steady growth trijectory and I don't see it stopping any time soon, and my comparisons to HBO and Netflix have nothing to do with their subscriber numbers, way more people watch content than play games. That's beside the point.
  11. Last gen was dog shit from all fronts. Boring as fuck. Microsoft games is waking from it's dormant state. It only took a decade of failed attempts at releasing tablets, laptops, convertibles, terrible phones, stupid gadgets nobody gave a shit about Microsoft finally faced the truth: They're good at 2 things: Software and Gaming. My prediction is half the industry is going to get rolled into gamepass, it's going to turn into Netflix for gaming I think it's inevitable at this point. Sony will become HBO to Microsoft's Netflix, if they don't fail in the process. They're gonna be forc
  12. Wait doesn't that mean you did pad their number?
  13. You two dumbasses are still talking in third person while quoting each other?
  14. You can't stop this train Jerry If you don't want gamepass today you'll want it tomorrow when all your favorite franchises end up there day one. There's no escape.
  15. Microsoft won't give a shit about sales expectations. They want gamepass subscribers. And the way to do that is to deny playstation owners their favorite COD games until they switch to Xbox or subscribe on PC. If I was Microsoft I would pull Warzone and all COD from playstation effective immediately. This is war baby.
  16. Modern Warfare 2 is gonna be day one on game pass, I can't imagine how much that's gonna drive subscribers.
  17. https://news.yahoo.com/microsoft-game-pass-25-million-subscribers-151432036.html That's $375 million in revenue per month and $4.5 billion a year that Sony doesn't have. Edit: double post remove if you want. Or don't. TCHBO.
  18. That would make sense if the gap wasn't exponentially decreasing this time. Game pass is going to swallow Sony whole if they don't compete. Just like Netflix swallowed major movie studios.
  19. It's impressive that you watched a 20 minute video in 30 seconds. You must be busy pretending to play your Switch
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