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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. This is like a quality Chappelle sketch
  2. I regret getting a PS4 pro not the X. Best version of every multiplat
  3. The mid tier is probably going to be targeting 1440p or 4k upscaling and the high tier native 4k. Hell look at all these multiplats in native 4k on the 1x now. RDR2 and Metro run effortlessly.
  4. Here's the only thing you need to watch about this whole shit
  5. 2 dipshits making every thread political. STFU That Chief is on point
  6. Sure. He's a money and fame hungry sociopath. End of story.
  7. No you're just obsessed with politics and can't even look at anything without that lens on
  8. Who disagrees with that? I said it's a better multiplat console
  9. That's pretty funny but there was no context to show that
  10. @Angel Jim Hitler Joke Rule #1 for comedians If you're gonna make a Hitler joke make sure it's funny
  11. I share people I think are interesting thinkers you don't have to watch any of it.
  12. Different strokes. I feel like shit when I only eat meat. Both Peterson and his daughter are treating an autoimmune disorder with the diet. You just said there isn't evidence that fiber is good for you in this thread. Where your evidence for that?
  13. Sam Harris was popularized by new atheists, not alt righters Peterson is vocally against the alt right or any type of political extremism Get your facts straight
  14. By the way for the record I love my PS4 but the cow fanboy orthodoxy on this forum is disturbing. Can't even admit to the faults Pro sucks dick Sony shot themselves in the foot with the price point and they're gonna pay for it next gen The controller sucks The exclusive library is subpar to say the least compared to PS1 and PS2. Online party/communication system still sucks ass Can't play 4k movies on premium console Suck my nuts cows
  15. You can say that about any philosopher. Especially jungian philisophers. Incels that admit to liking this guy are basically crying out for help. As far as I can tell he's nothing but a positive force for people like that
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