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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. I don't know what your criteria for copy paste is but the crater has a few sizes. You can make it bigger the bigger the explosion like with volatile dynamite.
  2. Not anywhere near this level, this game has by far the best interactive environment I've ever seen in a game At 1:35 you can see the crater form slowly with the explosion and the shockwave. The way water reacts to explosions and impacts is also amazing. You can create small avalanches by exploding dynamite at the mountain tops and you can also see a bunch of rocks roll down the mountain This is some truly next level shit
  3. Where's the challenge and fun in auto aim? Worst invention in console history I'd rather suck at aiming and slowly get better.
  4. Here's me raising some proper mayhem in in St. Denis at night but look at the fuckin mud effects in the beginning and how dynamite effects it, how it creates a sort of a crater and clears out the mud. Look at the after-effect of dynamite in the air. God fuckin damn
  5. WTF.. If Jon Hamm doesn't get the role there is no god
  6. I'm not clicking that but I can only assume it's an angry gay porn website
  7. They're overrating it because it's free. Don't get me wrong though it's better than Blackout. Not for me though
  8. After the shitty twitter CEO interview I guess Joe listened to the feedback
  9. Tell me a reason the game is awful outside of you found it boring
  10. If the genre dies it's because games like Fortnite and Call of Duty killed it Companies that don't understand it trying to cash in on the addictive nature of it's unpredictability
  11. First off fuck off if you got a problem say it sneak dissin and shit in every thread I make Second, BR in counter strike would never work the whole point of BR was a slow burn gameplay
  12. Oh yea big time socom vibes with this game
  13. So many haters Best military shooter of the past decade It's like the perfect Socom sequel
  14. https://m.ign.com/articles/2019/02/08/opinion-i-miss-when-battle-royales-were-boring Spot on IGN too much catering to ADD kids I played Apex while more fun than Blackout it's still too fast and twitchy and has aim assist on consoles. Fuck that shit.
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