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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. If you get past the low res textures it's actually a pretty impressive presentation. Particle effects are cool, bullets hitting different surfaces produce different particle effects. The details in things like footprints, tire prints, weapons and bullet holes on bodies and objects are on point. 7.62 bullets go through thin surfaces while 9mm might not. On the new map the other day I tracked a whole squad through tire prints and then foot prints in the snow and rained molotovs on them. How much action you want to get into is totally up to you there's hot drops and a million differ
  2. Randomness and countless variety of encounters, weapon mechanics, vehicle physics and the buildup to the intense end battles. I understand it's not for everyone
  3. Yea it depends you can just quit looting and go out in a blaze running towards the center of the circle or you can ride the edges strategically and snipe.
  4. Cause they shoot the afro and the bullet goes through it Doesn't matter anyway I usually pick up the first helmet I see
  5. I meant the sensitivity was higher than I use
  6. Nope, played blackout for a week and traded it in. Fortnite with a COD skin. None of them got anything on PUBG
  7. Haven't played for a few weeks fired up the new map, fuckin awesome Here's a chicken dinner I got yesterday Pardon the beginning I knew my aim settings were fucked up in the but I fixed it at some point
  8. Genius idea. They could move the S-pen to the top of the phone. With one click the front facing camera pops up this way you don't have to have it on the screen taking up space.
  9. Here's the best part of all this Putin's master plan is going to backfire on him spectacularly, helping Trump is the worst mistake he's ever made in his life.
  10. https://www.androidpolice.com/2019/02/05/samsung-patents-a-possible-notch-killer-may-sneak-a-camera-into-the-s-pen/ Fuck yes.
  11. Trump even got all the protesting women cheering at some point Guarantee this dude's gonna legalize weed before the next election you try not voting for him
  12. Is this game constantly updated with new content? Maybe I'll try it towards the end of the year
  13. I've been in multiple environments like this. I learned to never give people anything to snitch about, I stopped hanging out with coworkers outside of work and became introverted at work. People learn quick that you're not there to make friends you're there to get the job done and be as reliable as possible without being taken advantage of. As far as being nice I learned to pick my battles, I'm nice to a point and I needed to make that line clear to everyone. If you cross it you're getting shut down.
  14. Maybe I'm imagining it but I think Origins was way sharper looking in 4k than Odyssey. Otherwise I'm enjoying this game combat is good story is mediocre.
  15. Just messing around lol For real though you're both annoying as fuck
  16. The thing to remember about these special degenerates is there's not that many of them. Real sick fucks like that who act on their impulses are like the most extreme one in a million type. Just completely unconscious like NPCs and shit
  17. I would imagine there's a spectrum of evil anywhere from fucked up mentally I'll to psychopaths who get aroused by murdering people and everything in between.
  18. I know you're reading this dipstick go nibble on Timmy Cook's nutsack some more and don't ever get involved with an adult conversation again.
  19. Inequality can become economically unstable "WHY ARENT YOU RICH YET BRO" Oligarchy is problematic "TELL ME WHY YOU ARENT RICH YET BRO ANSWER ME"
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