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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. I thought you were referring to one of Aza's tranny lovers Like I said she/he is not an activist type so she doesn't care what I call her. Your inability to stay on topic is astounding.
  2. Yeah I knew a chick in high school who identifies as a dude now. Prolly got bigger balls than you. What does any of this have to do with anything?
  3. Lmao this dude acting like he knows me I haven't been 115lb since I was 10
  4. $100 says Ghostz is broke as fuck and his chick is fugly or non existant
  5. I didn't think anyone could be more annoying than Jerry but Ghostz takes the cake This guy is aggressively stupid
  6. Lmao the fuck is this faggot talking about Go play in traffic
  7. I'm now positive I make more money than you. Nobody wealthy and responsible could be this fucking dumb
  8. This is an example of someone too stupid to even comment on the topic of economic policy.
  9. Not everyone, 60 percent https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wealth_inequality_in_the_United_States The rest earned it. None of which says anything about their character. I know cool ass hard working rich people and brats who haven't earned anything in life and everything in between. Lil Tay is rich. Again, what does this have to do with this topic.
  10. My parents didn't leave me a trust fund Depending on how you define rich I'll get there soon enough Again, literally irrelevant from this topic
  11. Stopping me from what dipshit you don't know how much I have it has nothing to do with this conversation Even if I was rich I wouldn't brag about it here Stop tryna think you have a check mate with why aren't you rich question.
  12. Nothing to me personally. Not yet. But there's a limited number of billionaires you can have until it does start effecting the whole economy. And that number is obviously smaller if you're dealing with trillionaires. Income inequality if it reaches critical levels will effect everyone you know.
  13. Lmao calm down and pay attention to what I'm saying Stop looking at it from the entitlement standpoint and who deserves what look at it as a policy maker. There's a set amount of money to be distributed it's not unlimited. How rich are you going to let individuals get before it becomes unsustainable to the economy?
  14. Nothing you work hard and you deserve the spoils, I would never take that away from anyone. I don't think anyone deserves to be a billionaire though that's my point. That's beyond filthy rich and it actually hurts the whole economic system as a whole. Where do you draw the line? You think people should be allowed to be trillionaires?
  15. No you're just so caught up in the right wing who deserves what and who doesn't ideology you can't even see the bigger picture of what I'm talking about.
  16. You do realize that if ran without check income inequality gets to a point where you can get people to revolt right? Forget about what's deserved and not You want a Marxist recolution?
  17. This guy can't even see the difference between taxing billionaires higher and welfare for the poor. Bro you're fuckin dumb as fuck
  18. I guarantee you I'm better off than you dipshit. You can't even grasp what we're talking about here.
  19. We're talking about billionaires here. Are you retarded?
  20. @ghostz You're just rambling now incoherently I'm gonna repost what I already said and I need you to read it carefully.
  21. There's a limit to how much they deserve. Why do I even have to explain this it's basic economics. You can't have trillionaire oligarchs simply because they worked the hardest.
  22. What does this have to do with what I posted?
  23. And someone get Ghosts and Jerry's autistic asses a fuckin room so they can stop ruining every thread.
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