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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. @Jon2B @ghostz @SheepKilla Stop getting personal ITT nobody gives a shit about people's personal living conditions we're discussing high level policy here. Stop being fuckin idiots
  2. One of the lessons of the 20th century is economic systems like Capitalism are a game that people CHOOSE to keep playing, not one that they are obligated to play. In order to keep the game worth playing you must have people happy at every level of the game. The poor need to be able to make ends meet by working full time without having ambitions of getting rich, the ambitious ones need to have upward mobility, the middle class needs to be working but also enjoying some spoils of their life and the rich need to be able to be frivolous and enjoy all the spoils. At no poin
  3. Welfare as a concept assists stability, welfare as instiuted in the American system is arguably detrimental to the longterm stability. The incentives are misaligned.
  4. Economics does care about fairness in so far as it's a system that wants to protect itself from instability.
  5. Eisenhower's tax rate was correct IMO But you're not passing any policy if you keep being an ideological identitarian.
  6. I agree that welfare is largely responsible for the single mother culture But some of you on the right need to stop acting like inequality can't reach unsustainable levels. There's a point where you do have to literally start redistributing money otherwise the whole system collapses. Inequality is the law of nature, any type of wealth is always going to concentrate and grow within a small percentage of people you can't tie up morality into that it's just how things work. We either work to keep it sustainable while keeping this game of capitalism worth playing for those
  7. It's scary right now but let's see how she evolves.
  8. Is this game worth playing? I gave up on Origins after the Ceasar storyline clusterfuck
  9. The extremes are immoral on both sides. Extreme inequality can reach the same immoral levels as extreme equality.
  10. No. But a policy where being a billionaire becomes impossible is a good policy if you ask me. The rich should enjoy the spoils, but to a certain extent. Nobody needs a billion dollars.
  11. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/22/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-a-system-that-allows-billionaires-to-exist-is-immoral.html 100%. I just wish she wasn't part of the identity politics identitarians on the left. Even though I think socialism is ridiculous I think the left is at their best when they stand with the poor regardless of their identity.
  12. Well at lest now you know who the secret Hitler loves are on this forum @dakur care to make a thread about the validity of some of Stalin's ideas?
  13. Like I said in the deleted thread. You're either trolling or the dumbest motherfucker on this forum.
  14. You don't see the difference between a non political good guy father ad and the anti "toxic masculinity" #metoo men need to stop being rapists ad?
  15. You're busy excusing the behavior of a sadistic mob. I'm not the nihilist here
  16. The mob in your camp just targeted and plotted to destroy some kid's lives over literally nothing This is further proof that you're more dangerous than the people you purport to be against
  17. You're not fuckin helping. I already explained to you why the thread was deleted. It wasn't the "forbidden truth"
  18. Leftists can't wait to punch and destroy a kid's life for doing nothing but showing restaint in front of a person drumming in your face. Fuckin morons
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