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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Yeah you're a regular free speech hero. When you start a thread with agreeing with some of Hitler's ideas you don't get to play vicim of censorship afterwards. Just take the L and move on. His ideas are dangerous yes, they were perfectly calibrated to inflate tribalism to the point of genocide. I'm not personally afraid of debating his ideas, I can disprove that egomaniacal flamboyant little faggot's ideas easily using what we have learned about biology, consciousness, tribalism and human nature in the past half a century. That's not the issue. The issue is your intent
  2. We can do that without a problem. Not when the thread starts with agreeing with Hitler's points.
  3. Got deleted or what? What a fuckin idiot
  4. Vini


    Favorite game of the gen
  5. Every country is artificially sawed together. Ukraine is a country.
  6. Ok this is genuinely hilarious someone's troll level is 100
  7. Vini

    Android users

    Download Samsung Browser Beta.and put it in dark mode. Fuckin sleek Plus you can use ad blockers on this browser.
  8. I don't think you know what that means
  9. Masculinity is not a male only trait. Women can integrate their masculinity into being great leaders, parents, protectors as well. The ad misses the mark in every possible way, it's social constructionist nonsense. Men aren't responsible for psychopath men who rape and sexually harass people. They're not responsible for "enabling" them or for stoping them. That's why we have laws and law enforcement. There is no such thing as toxic masculinity or femininity there's normal people like most of us and then there are psycho predators.
  10. Lmao I love the spin of painting men who are upset over these useless re-education ad campaigns as being weak and insecure. Reality is weak men create these sorts of ads attacking masculinity because they're bitter and insecure about their own inability to integrate their masculinity into being a successful leader and protector. Jealously of other strong men turning into resentment.
  11. Every sensible person is against political correctness Fuck your labels
  12. Back in form. Ali is killing it. Even Stephen Dorff is killing it Best scene so far:
  13. All the backlash is well deserved. Masculinity isn't responsible for sociopaths in this world.
  14. I've owned all three for a few years now PS4: Great game selection Awesome first party original single player games. Friendly atmosphere for new devs creating new IP Console is snappy, UI fast as shit For an extra $100 Pro is an impressive with a 4k TV Horrendous controller. Don't even defend this fuckin light, weak ass battery having non ergonomic piece of shit with terrible triggers. Feels like a lighter fork springs. Fuck you Sony Bad multiplayer interface for parties No 4k blu-ray on the Pro Never use it for multiplats after 1x cam
  15. I liked the approach of making this a very personal movie, not about politics, country or NASA or anything else.
  16. Vini

    Andrew Yang 2020

    We'll see about that. The traction is all there for him and momentum is building. Yang is gonna be on Rogan next month. You're not paying attention. Trump is going to EAT Warren. He can't do shit to Yang.
  17. Vini

    Andrew Yang 2020

    He's annoying as shit
  18. Vini

    Andrew Yang 2020

    Based on what because I whined about Sanders who actually got cheated? You know damn well Hillary rigged that shit along with Debbie Washerman whatever her name is, Hillary hired her right after she got fired from the DNC for being shady. That's some gangster shit.
  19. Vini

    Andrew Yang 2020

    Not gonna happen. The democrats can't suppress anyone after the Sanders debacle and the general election the party has been forced into promoting popular vote over political fuckery. This time the populist will win
  20. Vini

    Andrew Yang 2020

    Thing is UBI will become inevitable as the AI revolution continues. This isn't just my opinion listen to any prominent tech entrepreneurs or AI engineers.
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