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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Vini

    Andrew Yang 2020

    Nah I believe he's the best candidate. We'll see what happens. People will start paying attention to him this year.
  2. Vini

    Andrew Yang 2020

    Think of UBI as socialism without the bitterness against rich people.
  3. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/radio-signals-fast-radio-bursts-frbs-galaxy-signal-repeated-space-scientists-a8719886.html Unfortunately this means they first aired 1.5 billion years ago but still fuckin exciting
  4. Vini


    Don't wokescold a wokescolder
  5. Yea because people like you created a reality where the the right wing makes a lot more sense. I'll take any average retarded christian fundamentalist over you wokescolds any day.
  6. Vini


    Forget SJW, this is perfect
  7. Vini

    Andrew Yang 2020

    UBI is not like Chinese Social Credit that's based on a low rent hit piece UBI is a better version of socialist redistribution, everyone gets a set amount, rich or poor. Nobody's bitching
  8. I never look deeper into consoles than like basic settings. I jumped into some good as squads with this gotta step your game up right away
  9. This shit is awesome. My slow ass just figured this out Is this a thing on live only or other consoles too?
  10. Couple years ago a company I used to work for sent us to an expo and we went to different vendor booths. Went to Nvidia and they showed off gameplay and cool shit, went to AMD and they literally only talked about ways they were better than Nvidia.
  11. Is this anything worthy or the usual anti Nvidia circle jerk from AMD?
  12. Maybe end of the month, but definitely gonna buckle.
  13. We'll see one as soon as a democrat with enough balls comes and once and for all fully denounces social justice style identity politics. The Democratic party is ripe for a candidate like that half the country is Democrats and most them are not hysterical like these people
  14. It's not just him tho there's a significant portion of the population that is wholly possessed by the same exact ideology.
  15. They're gonna get him re-elected and then turn around and blame racists again Fuckin imbeciles
  16. Yeah you wouldn't have heard me call Clinton compromised due to their unrelated business dealings because that's retarded Nobodys gonna impeach Trump because he has foreign loans taken out when he was a private citizen to build towers and avoid bankruptcy and shit.
  17. Loans he took out before he became president or ran for president as a private citizen don't mean shit Jerry stop reaching.
  18. More useless fuckin babble Let me set the unmovable goal post for you, there's only one thing that matters - is Trump compromised today? Prove that and you got your impeachment.
  19. Shouldn't you two be busy trying to figure out if Don Lemon forgave Kevin Hart or not?
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