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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. This dude is a beast. No fucks given. I'm not even gonna post the other dude's responses they're so weak He's like the muscle end of the new school of rap with Kendrick, Kudi, Cole, Logic, etc. Listen to that flow on ZEZE at around 50 second mark.
  2. Agree to disagree. Europe has a massive immigration problem but not because of sheer numbers it's because of failure of integration. We don't have any integration problems, most of the illegals are working their asses of. 3% of 300 million seems like a big number. If that percentage grows I agree that it can become a bigger issue. But all things considered I think we're fine where we stand. Income inequality and eventual automation of jobs are a million times more problematic than illegal immigration in the US.
  3. Every country has illegal immigrants, especially if you're gonna have a prosperous country then you're gonna have illegal immigrants. It's not a bug it's a feature. US also has the second highest illegal migrant work to unemployment ratio, most of these people are working and driving the economy. Question is what is the amount you're going to allow and regulate. Keeping it under 3% seems reasonable. But if you consider anything above 0% a problem you're never going to solve it.
  4. And by the way other than this wall idea and slightly higher detainments Trump is the same as Hillary and Obama on immigration as well. America doesn't have an immigration problem. It's just political pandering one way or another. The wall would be mostly symbolic.
  5. Nah, she didn't. Hillary is a centrist. She would've been the same as Obama on immigration. Slightly left of Canada.
  6. Russia has a massive apparatus designed to increase tribalism in the West and influence elections. And it's working. I agree that the Trump collusion is most likely BS but we are in a digital Cold War there is no more doubt about that.
  7. Oh wow I thought America just gives arms away you're telling me it was a transaction? Holy shit The point is Obama refused to sell arms to Ukrainians while Trump did not. Obama failed to uphold the red line while Trump did not.
  8. So which is it is he Putin's puppet or a businessman with self interests? Is he an evil genious or a scatterbrain idiot? You guys want to have it all with this guy with no consistency whatsoever. 
  9. Putin's cock holster apparently gave an order to arm the Ukrainians himself. I'm sure Putin was all about it.
  10. https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/04/13/trumps-russia-policy-is-better-than-obamas/ Authorized lethal military aid to Ukraine. While former President Barack Obama’s administration continuously rejected lethal weapons exports after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2014, Trump is said to have personally approved the policy. Whether he told his staff to downplay the decision is immaterial. In fact, Trump has gone even further, selling Javelin anti-tank missiles to Ukraine. These moves could fundamentally change the balance of power on the ground. To be sure, Moscow retains substantial military
  11. And yet the cock holster is tougher on Russia than any previous administration
  12. Vini

    Andrew Yang 2020

    Doesn't seem like he gives a shit about hysterical leftists
  13. This guy makes a ton of sense, would be a perfect antidote to Trump. An outsider rich smart Asian CEO who doesn't like politicians, doesn't pander to identity politics and has a plan for middle America This is it chief
  14. This is what woke should mean. Not that Childish Gambino/Jordan Peele pretentious shit that panders to paranoid ideologues.
  15. I wish Sony didn't box themselves into the $400 price point you can do some great shit with $500 next gen.
  16. Not all the time he's positive when it comes to HIV
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