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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. These idiots suicided because their eye surgery didn't take. Somehow I get the feeling they had bigger problems than their eyes
  2. I can see what you mean but it's so different I didn't bother comparing it to the original. Episode 5 might change your perspective of the whole thing. There's a scene with amazing dialogue you'll know which one. I like all the characters though Stick with it lemme know what you think when you're done. The finale was crazy
  3. New season takes place during the same timeline as the first season but in Mexico.
  4. 2 journalist mudering psychopaths
  5. Damn they're killing it with this show, Diego Luna
  6. Realtalk that's not realtalk. They know about their concious desires, they don't know the unconscious ones. That's literally what unconscious means. There's also a factor of upholding the right virtues, and I actually applaud men and women who deny their base desires even if they are concious in order to build and maintain a more moral society. I find it to be a positive and virtuous kind of a delusion. For example we all know monogamy is not the "natural order" for men. Yet we lie to ourselves to maintain the institution of marriage. As a conservative man
  7. I think people are inherently non transparent and secretive, especially when it comes to sexual desires. Especially the unconscious ones. I don't find women to exhibit more bias than men in this domain Go read some Freud, you'll learn about how truthful men are about their desires.
  8. Lmao more unsubstantiated anecdotal generalizations from our resident psychological statistician. Please tell me more. Should I read The Game too for more research about the female subconscious?
  9. A significant minority of chicks who are damaged being attracted to all out assholes exponentially increses your chances of mating if you're being an asshole. This doesn't mean all women like assholes. You morons.
  10. Please don't make any offspring.
  11. Nothing conservative about the retarded shit you're spewing ITT
  12. Being red pilled means becoming conservative Stop trynna change it to some Elliot Rodger level nonsense.
  13. And now they're upvoting each other I've found the right wing equivalent of Jerry and Mike
  14. I'm debating your complete misunderstanding of biology and human sexuality. I don't care about some documentary
  15. Two uneducated ideologues talking about the natural order. Give me a break.
  16. Like I said I never watched Red Pill and I have a strong suspicion you're completely misrepresenting it
  17. You can be kind and compassionate while being strong and competent. Niceness is a useless virtue. Nobody likes fuckin teddy bear men.
  18. Lmao fuck nice guys. Annoying mommas bitch boys always complaining about shit. Being stable in your career doesn't make you nice. Men are supposed to be strong and competent not nice. Niceness will never be a positive male virtue. Deal with it
  19. I'm arguing with fuckin morons here. This faggot @DynamiteCop!just typed up a paragraph of his enraged blue balls impressions of women. get the fuck outta here lmao
  20. Men don't like nice guys either, nobody does. They're useless. Women are attracted to men who can propogate the strongest healthiest genes. End of story. Whether they're assholes is a subjective opinion. that makes no difference.
  21. Again. You don't know shit about the natural order you babbling baboon. Go read a biology book.
  22. I've never watched it. But I can tell you that you're either misrepresenting the documentary if it's accurate or representing it accurately if it's inaccurate. Almost nothing you've typed up in this thread has any credibility scientifically.
  23. You don't understand shit Studies in intelligence differences between men and women have shown no differences in Intellect. There is a bigger variability in male IQ scores compared to female, we're on a larger spectrum, but the average is the same. Those are facts not a progressive opinion. And because I don't want to type up a whole other post to reply to you dipshits @SheepKilla there is absolutely no indication biologically or sociologically that males are better equipped to overcome our subconscious insincts than females. Prove me otherwise with s
  24. And you're not doubt an ideologue who can only see things through a right wing political prism. No better than your run of the mill leftist ideologue like Jerry on this forum.
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