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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. This is a second major source now confirming that cows and fakeboys like you are full of shit
  2. What was that Tom and Jerry ripoff that they had? I remember watching that as a kid. Pretty fun
  3. https://www.ign.com/videos/the-console-race-is-closer-than-you-think-next-gen-console-watch Buh buh the cow elites have decided that PS5 has won the gen
  4. Compared to what? for some barely sentient monkeys I think we’re doing pretty good.
  5. This is fucking stupid and the right has a strange obsession with this chick That being said I think she would be dangerous if she runs for president
  6. They also tend to run for president. With the job involving drone striking families and what not
  7. Can we keep gender/politics out this time so we can discuss the film After seeing it for a second time I'm convinced that there's a great film here buried under mediocre execution. I don't know if Covid got in the way of production or what, but the new high speed camera slo mo effect is weird, makes it look like a soap opera, and the fight choreography is awful. Other than that I liked everything else. The OG characters motivations make sense. The meta aspect is actually pretty small and relevant to the story but it got blown out of proportion online. I like the idea o
  8. “Major advantage” - 25 fps instead of 24fps. cows Im sure the power of the solid state is pushing your 10Tflop machine to somehow perform better than the 12Tflop series X its not at all the fact that this is an unoptimised tech demo
  9. You don’t need a poll to figure this out. Battlefield is an unfinished beta and Call of duty Vanguard is for upgrading weapons in Warzone
  10. How do y'all feel about this one? It's clear from the video that she's just grossly incompetent, nervous and made a mistake with the taser, I didn't get any malevolent vibes from her. Definitely should've lost her job but manslaughter seems a little overboard. Is this normal or a BLM overcorrection thing?
  11. The quick cuts, it's impossible to follow in some scenes. I find the same with Bay's Transformers movies, especially the later ones.
  12. I thought the script was great but what happened with the action? Did the spirit of Michael Bay invade the editor?
  13. This was meh.. wasn't terrible wasn't great. Some awesome ideas. Action was half baked. 7/10 if I'm in a good mood. 6/10 more like it.
  14. This looks terrible. Holland looks nothing like Drake and he's 5 foot 4 supposed to be fighting large henchmen in this movie? In 5 years he's still gonna look like a kid. Cmon with this shit. Nathan Fillion has been walking this Earth for the last 2 decades and they couldn't figure out how to make a proper Uncharted film?
  15. Nah Tyron is a way tougher opponent Fury would've went to sleep and that's why he pulled out
  16. lmao Its worth pirating tho. The fight was boring as fuck mainly due to Woodley clinching and straight up trying to wrestle. Jake has knockout power and I think all these UFC dudes need to stay away before they all embarrass themselves and let this guy fight real boxers. Someone better than Timmy Fury
  17. lol at doing tech analysis on a 5 year old mobile hardware. My Nvidia shield I use for Netflix has the same processor as this thing.
  18. And just like that 60fps is dead for another generation it was fun while it lasted
  19. Yea way better. Also if you set all the crowd and traffic settings at 75% it seems to run a lot better. At least on X
  20. These close up screenshots are amazing
  21. This is a generation ahead of Spider-Man and if you disagree you're a delusional cow.
  22. What's hard about implementing ray tracing? You literally just add the libraries and let the software do the work. The hard part is getting good enough hardware to run it. I'm not at all impressed by the implementation though.
  23. You're overselling ray tracing. Ray tracing is a easy way to dress up a turd nowadays, it does nothing for textures or fidelity which is what matters most. Not that MM is a turd but you get my point. This shit looks real, Miles looks like a video game with reflective puddles
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