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System Warrior
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Posts posted by Vini

  1. Can we keep gender/politics out this time so we can discuss the film


    After seeing it for a second time I'm convinced that there's a great film here buried under mediocre execution. I don't know if Covid got in the way of production or what, but the new high speed camera slo mo effect is weird, makes it look like a soap opera, and the fight choreography is awful. 


    Other than that I liked everything else. The OG characters motivations make sense. The meta aspect is actually pretty small and relevant to the story but it got blown out of proportion online. I like the idea of machines turning the first 3 films into some VR video game so that those who start doubting their reality in the Matrix can be fed this video game for a cathartic "waking up" experience so they don't have to pursue those feelings in their life. 


    Keanu still got Neo down here with all his nervous geek energy from the old films. And the happy ending for the pair is a more fitting end to the whole story I think. 


  2. 3 hours ago, TLHBO said:

    You keep crying about games being unoptimised everytime an xflop version performs worse which seems to be a frequent case these days.


    Either the xflop hardware ain't all it's cracked up to be which is likely as Microsoft and their fanboys lie like hell, or devs just don't give a shit about a dead brand and see no reason to spend time optomizing it which is also likely.


    What matters is that neither of those are good for Xbox :reg:


    Numbers don't lie 


    12 > 10

  3. How do y'all feel about this one? It's clear from the video that she's just grossly incompetent, nervous and made a mistake with the taser, I didn't get any malevolent vibes from her. Definitely should've lost her job but manslaughter seems a little overboard. 


    Is this normal or a BLM overcorrection thing? 



  4. 19 hours ago, Mr. Impossible said:

    I liked it alot. Maybe a bit long for what it was but I don't have any complaints. Like I said in the other thread, it was super meta but to be fair, they created a movie 20 years ago that had been misinterpreted and claimed by people (some terrible people too) so the movie kind of was a clap back. 


    I assume parts of that rubbed certain people the wrong way, which I'm all good with. I'm sure it didn't help with nerd reviewers. 


    I thought the script was great but what happened with the action? Did the spirit of Michael Bay invade the editor? 

  5. 8 hours ago, jehurey said:

    LOL would never pay money to see these fake fights, but this made me laugh.




    lmao Its worth pirating tho. The fight was boring as fuck mainly due to Woodley clinching and straight up trying to wrestle. 


    Jake has knockout power and I think all these UFC dudes need to stay away before they all embarrass themselves and let this guy fight real boxers. Someone better than Timmy Fury


  6. 9 minutes ago, Goukosan said:



    What's hard about implementing ray tracing? You literally just add the libraries and let the software do the work. 


    The hard part is getting good enough hardware to run it. I'm not at all impressed by the implementation though. 


  7. 26 minutes ago, -GD-X said:

    Miles Morales is 4K and has significantly better reflections, due to ray tracing. The textures and surface materials are high quality too. You are overselling this matrix demo lol. It’s definitely better looking, overall, especially when you see everything from a bird’s eye view (the scale is unparalleled), but you can see signs of image reconstruction when you are walking the streets and the reflections are dated af. The puddles don’t look good. 


    You're overselling ray tracing. Ray tracing is a easy way to dress up a turd nowadays, it does nothing for textures or fidelity which is what matters most. Not that MM is a turd but you get my point. 


    This shit looks real, Miles looks like a video game with reflective puddles


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