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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. "Champions of the natural order" who don't understand even basic biology, evolution or anatomy.
  2. Autocorrect bitch. And doesn't change the stupid shit you just wrote.
  3. Your girlfriend is retarded. And so are you.
  4. It's not toxic it's just dumb. And easily debunked. People gotta stop being scared of "toxic" ideas. Just argue against them.
  5. What the fuck is this babble? Men and women are simultaneously a mix of individuals and members of a larger collective. Female mate selection is largely based on selecting the most competent, healthiest and strongest men that can propogate the best genes. But they're also free to think individually and override their baser impulses. You can make the same argument about men, most men fall in line comfortably in a heirarchy of dominance with one alpha chimp leading the pack. We're also more attracted to dumb prettier women than smarter less attractive ones.
  6. I caught him saying something dumb and called him out. now he wants to change the subject like I WOULDNT NOTICE. This is where he starts giving himself away. Nobody's bigger cuck beta snowflakes than white men No, I KNOW you guys read my posts you made a thread just to imitate me did you really think I wouldn't notice? I don't need an audience to know that I owned you to the point that you changed the subject. Keep changing subjects like we won't notice And yet you post the same alt right talking points ov
  7. 'm talking about Silicon Valley type entrepreneurs and inventors of new mediums. They're almost always temperamentally liberal.
  8. Fuck anything Russian though there's no way they're not beholden to the government in some way.
  9. These social media corporations are effectively prolivatizing free speech. Fuck that noise
  10. Nothing wrong with left leaning people. I'm temperamentally on the left too.
  11. Imagine if Liquid was here too (forgot his name) the crown king of social justice To be fair they did stick around on this forum unlike liquid he prolly ran off to resetera after SS. Prolly a fuckin mod there by now. So I give them props for that.
  12. No haven't you heard these are alt right nazi sympathizers disguising as "classic liberals".
  13. Nobody wants to be in an argument with someone with bad faith. That's not a virtue
  14. Take a break Jerry before you turn all your allies against you as well.
  15. 100% I like to use Maajid Nawaz term regressive left when describing these people I think the word progressive is still valuable and there are still non totalitarian progressive liberals out there. In fact they're probably the silent majority.
  16. Lmao this guy calling others freaks and then posting resetera level idiocy
  17. I will always distribute Sam's work he's one of the most principled people I know.
  18. Superior input method my ass, it's a faster more precise method using a system designed to click little buttons on an operating system.
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