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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Superior input method my ass, it's a faster more precise method using a system designed to click little buttons on an operating system.
  2. This God damn soundtrack too I can't get it out of my head
  3. Yeah it was great. Any MP game without auto aim is automatically on my play list.
  4. Call of Duty blackout was a bunch of watered down basic crap. Guns don't feel anywhere near as good, map too small, zombies out of place. Nothing like PUBG's structure and randomness. . Idiots sliding around while I'm trying to snipe them what happened to realism that shit feels like Fortnite more than PUBG. Looking at killcams nothing but twitchy auto aim kills. Not to mention useless floaty indestructible vehicles with terrible physics. Using thumbtacks to accelerate? What the fuck Treyarch There is no better tactical MP shooter on consoles today.
  5. Damn I can't believe I missed this in theater those flight and space scenes were mind blowing hopefully it gets a re release in IMAX. I didn't know the whole story surrounding A rmstrong and how tragic the events leading up to the mission were. Gosling did a great job playing this introverted guy who just wants to isolate himself. I would check this one out 10/10 for me. This director keeps the bangers coming
  6. If Nintendo can come back from the WiiU anything is possible Better hardware than PS5 and more investment in exclusives is all they need
  7. The guy in the video if you bothered to actually listen to him made no assumptions of population proportionality. He's pointing out how every time a cop kills a black guy a white guy is killed by cops under similar circumstances that gets no attention from the press and public. Wtf are you even trying to argue that black guys shot by cops matters more because there's less of them?
  8. Hey Jerry is that black dude rational to worry about Social Justice or is he a disgruntled alt righter?
  9. Dodging questions like a politician You're not even ready to admit that Social Justice is an issue rational people worry about you'd rather focus on the alt right 4chan trolls.
  10. Le me get this straight On this forum only disgruntled alt righters complain about SJ NO COMMENT on outside this forum Here's a guy complaining about SJ: Is this guy a disgruntled alt righter or are there rational people complaining about SJ outside this forum?
  11. I'll say it again. Facebook, Twitter and Youtube are too big to be considered private companies, they are empires with unelected leaders.
  12. So you're conceding that outside this forum there's plenty of rational people rightly complaining about SJ?
  13. Social media is not a public utility? That's strange coming from you considering things like BLM, Arab Spring and #metoo wouldn't have even happened without Social Media. When they topple shitty governments like the last one in my country I tend to see them as public utilities.
  14. Didn't I tell you to stop bragging like a faggot every other post?
  15. The black dude in the video Cooke posted is a disgruntled alt-righter? Jerry
  16. Social media companies are not ISPs what does that have to do with anything? Social media is a communication platform just like a telephone.
  17. Nope, it's apples and apples. Both social media companies and phone companies are in the business of human communication. The only difference is one's a subscription profit model and the other is based on ads and analytics. If the US government can tell the private phone companies how to sell their service and how many customers they're allowed to have then they sure as shit can regulate and limit private data centers and servers.
  18. Both social media and phone companies use finite resources to ease human communication AT&T and T-Mobile tried to merge and own the means of communication of the majority of Americans. The government prevented that from happening. Facebook already has more American users than AT&T and T-Mobile combined.
  19. Yea and bandwidth is finite also what's your argument lmao Jerry
  20. Enough bragging faggot The social media giants are a much deeper problem than merely business monopolies but my point was the government has legal non authoritarian ways to interfere
  21. Yea well phone companies don't own a FINITE resource either and it's not like you can only get ONE phone provider but the government still stopped AT&T and Tmobile from merging.
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