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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. You're losing the plot here and we're talking past each other. I'm saying the admins of twitter.com don't have the privilege of doing whatever they want on twitter.com any more It's too big and powerful now, the population of twitter can fill a continent it's a fuckin empire. It can't be solely ran at the whim of an unelected group of owners, we've seen how that turned out throughout history.
  2. I understand what ownership means that's why I said admins. The admins and domain owners can have the privilege of having their own rules on systemwars.net but not on twitter.com These are not in the same universe.
  3. Let me try to explain why systemwars.com the website we are on is a small tribe in many ways. We don't have a purpose we are a small group of people who argue about video games, politics and share ideas and opinions. We can have our own rules that the admins and mods uphold and silence and ban people that even mildly annoy the mods or us as a group. If systemwars.com all of a sudden exploded tomorrow and managed to gain 400 million worldwide users with 70 million Americans alone we would no longer have that privilege of upholding our own set of rules we are now the lar
  4. First of all they're not providing shit but a place for people to get together and express ideas and opinions. Their profit model consists of tripping people over ads and gathering information by eavesdropping. That Jack tool from twitter and Mark Zuckerfuck doesn't get to buy out private land, populate it with a half of all Americans and start silencing people who don't agree with their "virtues". Under the guise of a "service provider", "business" or a "private domain". Fuck that shit and fuck those nerdy sociopaths.
  5. Not to mention these aren't corporations manufacturing a product or selling goods or services, people oriented towards a goal. This is a giant gathering of people with no shared purpose other than free exchange of ideas and opinions. It's a giant tribe in a public square. Whether you're physically in a public square or face timing it on your fuckin phone through fucknipples.net doesn't change what it is.
  6. Are you really having trouble differentiating a small privately held business and a giant social media platform? It's a tribe.
  7. The jackass in question and what he spews is irrelevant. A domain as large as twitter holds 70 million Americans alone. You show me a privately held piece of land that holds a quarter of all Americans and I'll show you Narnia, fuck outta here with that nonsense.
  8. That's as far as your dumb ass got to responding to what I just said? I'm not defending Mcinnes I'm protesting his deplatforming. How fuckin thick can you get that you don't think there's a difference between those two things?
  9. Neither I or Ramza has once defended this dude ITT. You guys through 3 pages of echo chamber bird calls have convinced each other that's what we did. This story warrants a discussion of deplatforming on social media. If it's not the discussion you want to have then what are you doing in this thread? I hold the same opinion about censoring Alex Jones, Milo, Mcinnes and other trolls and charlatans on social media. I don't think these companies should be allowed to publicly silence and punish people. They are not like normal private businesses these are more like giant tri
  10. lmao you know you're on shaky ground when you try to appropriate 4chan slang
  11. Yeah people are watching two different movies on the same screen at the same time
  12. So free speech absolutists are incels now? The fuck are you even talking about lmao
  13. You can keep saying this but as I pointed out hate speech is not an exception to free speech as ruled by the supreme court which means deplatformong on the basis of hate speech is unconstitutional for a public entity, the only defense these companies have is they are private.
  14. Facebook and Twitter are a social media duopoly YouTube/Google is a media Monopoly It's very simple, they either fall in line with constitutional rights of US citizens or they get dissolved.
  15. I understand that. I'm arguing that these shouldn't be treated as private entities any longer.
  16. The last part of what I wrote got cut off. When a handful of the biggest social media platforms house the vast majority of the American public they are no longer merely private entities they have the duty and obligation to uphold the constitutional values of the country at large.
  17. This guy's a clown and a troll. Again, not worth deplatforming him. Same goes for Milo and Alex Jones.
  18. Here come the usual suspects of leftist moral authority
  19. The Social Media giants have to stop attacking free speech by acting like moral arbiters through deplatforming hateful people These Silicon Valley giants who think they can become pseudo religious moral arbiters for the masses need to recognize that free speech is a constitutional right in America and hate speech falls under free speech as ruled by the Supreme Court. We need to let the majority of rational voices naturally drown out the loud minority of annoying trolls, sociopaths and extremists. Free speech is the most important mechanism of proper communication in the
  20. Hermits talking all kinds of shit about sub $500 consoles not being able to run Native 4k or Checkerboarding being terrible Meantime God of War, Horizon, Spider-Man look better on the Pro than anything on PC in the last decade and RDR2 runs flawlessly at native 4k on the X. THHBR
  21. Elite controller is the best on the market. And probably the best controller ever made
  22. This thing is amazing. I have an external hard drive connected to it and download torrents right to it. You can sideload chrome and any Android app without needing to root VLC will chew through any 4k/HDR rip you throw at it.
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