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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Nobody wants this fuckin thing Full stock in every store I walked into No wall plug, half the games suck, can't download additional games. TCHBR
  2. He's one of the nuttiest presidents so far but far from the worst. And WTF is this thread are you 12? This is hilarious tho
  3. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    lmao fuck that shit you think I'm in the Jerry scoring points business? I'm in the eradicating far left ideology business
  4. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

  5. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    Run away from what? This was never a sexual assault charge read through my post and see if there's a single mention of sexual assault. He assaulted a woman. Another attempt from alt left to move goal posts and claim victory. Fuckin pathetic. You're still defending a woman beating ambulance chasing pornstar lawyer because he happens to be anti Trump
  6. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/ukraine-bans-russian-men-from-entering-the-country/ar-BBQil4Q?OCID=ansmsnnews11 Good move
  7. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    So assault is fine as long as it's not sexual assault?
  8. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    Let me get this straight. An assault charge and restraining order later and you're still taking the man's side? How does this sit with your #metoo feminist sisters?
  9. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    2 weeks and counting still not a shred of proof that I did this.
  10. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    How the narrative changed from a F1 driving badass lawyer to publicity whore. "Every lawyer is like this bro"
  11. Will someone let this man make his Lovecraft adaptation already
  12. Playing epilogue now My only problem with it that This game is so badass though.
  13. 1) RDR2 2) GoW 3) No Time 4) To Play 5) Anything Else
  14. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    I always love it when I only reply because you compulsively have to afterwards
  15. It's all good I mainly made this thread to talk about Aza's dick pics
  16. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    Not to mention this is hall of shame material
  17. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    I have no interest in persuading you in anything any more than I want to persuade a dog from chasing it's own tail But I'm not going to let you get away with claiming you're a democrat. That my friend you are not
  18. I would if there was a definitely-not-a-hermit faction
  19. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    You're not a democrat
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