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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

  2. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    http://www.latimes.com/politics/la-na-pol-avenatti-eviction-20181022-story.html Michael Avenatti is hit with $4.85-million judgment for unpaid debt as court orders eviction of his law firm More good news for your hero @jehurey
  3. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    I'll ask again where did I defend that dude? Got any proof?
  4. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    Don't act like your compadres aren't crawling down a rabbit hole to defend this weasel
  5. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    I know a little weasel when I see one
  6. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    Can't wait for this damage control
  7. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    He's a pornstar lawyer
  8. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    This faggot has nothing on Mueller or Kavanaugh for that matter. Those are men with long strong public service records, Avennati is a pornstar lawyer.
  9. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    Saying packing the court is not channeling the reform bill dipstick it's a widely known practice the term itself originates from the bill. Courts are packed all the time. What exactly do you suggest Cortez meant by packing courts she would assassinate current Justices and replace them?
  10. Vini

    Avenatti lmfao

    Not even denying charges This is your hero Good luck @jehurey I'm gonna clown you non stop for this rabbit hole you just climbed in
  11. These are actual banners on his website
  12. Anyone else keep running into this guy? Looking for his friend named Gavin in every city I go to he's just wondering around screaming his name
  13. No but I'm getting better with practice on headshots especially without using deadeye
  14. lmao which of you nutless rockstar haters disliked that video? You're not even playing this game fuckin nitpicking on input lag and shit. Get. Better.
  15. If Jerry fails to contend with an opposing argument or a new idea he will immediately dismiss it and instead contend with your assumed intent. This is the go to move for leftist activist types they're mind readers they know your intent better than you yourself. They do it to each other as well but it's especially blatant if you're a conservative or in the center. And infinitely more if you're white as well. Then they REALLY know what's going on Put forth a nuanced opinion about feminism, women's rights or #metoo you're automatically an incel/virgin/masiginist/toxic masculinity/patr
  16. RIP though this guy was clearly a great artist
  17. Mark Spoilers faggots Also this donkey guys voice is annoying as fuck
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