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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Yea you sucked back then too. "I suck at the game, it must be broken"
  2. She works for a marketing firm I guess he needed a quick response fuck that faggot I disabled iMessage for her
  3. There's plenty of money spent on mismanaged high budget video games doesn't take any credit away from Rockstar
  4. I'll give you Just Cause Saint's Row is garbage.
  5. As far as I know once you sign into Apple ID it's enabled by default
  6. Just fuckin wow Every dev with open world ambitions has been put in check.
  7. It should've never been a default feature. The whole concept sucks it should've never been forced onto public like some bogus innovation, it's social media type creepy default privacy settings from creepy ass nerds in Silicon Valley.
  8. I hope this is a troll fakeboy act
  9. My girls boss freaked out on her today cause she didn't reply for like an hour we're at the movies cause he saw that she read the message Granted he's a tool but what kinda creepy ass shit is that. SMS FTW
  10. Sheep can finally watch RDR2 on their console
  11. Exploding bullets are ridiculous lmao
  12. Oh you adressed it? My bad Did you address the definition of court packing?
  13. So you can't point out where I wanted you to focus on Senate and basically admitting that it was your own misinterpretation
  14. I meant point out where I wanted you to notice anything about the senate
  15. Why don't you go back to my original post and point out where you wanted me to notice ANYTHING about the Senate part.
  16. So which is it was it a right wing dipshit or a guy who retweeted fox and friends tweet that focused on packing the courts?
  17. Every word that comes out of your own mouth is about yourself and how great you are. Not hard to keep the subject on you. You're clearly a narcissist.
  18. Hell yea that's what I said from the start If there's collusion with Russians he should be impeached otherwise it's a giant waste of time. Mark my words. His retarded family business ties and tax returns are not gonna get him impeached. Plus you're delusional if you think the CIA hasn't already seen his tax returns.
  19. lmao why do you keep saying two different people cause you're not confident enough in your interpretations? Could there be a reason the other person backed down? hmm
  20. You mean moving the subject like nitpicking on quote accuracy instead of talking about court packing?
  21. I still like a lot of what he's doing and if there's no direct collusion with Russia you ain't impeaching him no matter how much of the government you control
  22. Yea I wish I was as good at avoiding questions like Do you realize you were wrong about what court stacking means that caused you to focus on the wrong part of the tweet I posted?
  23. I wish I was able to defend my arguments like you do like for example when you posted a link that contradicted your own definition of court stacking as proof of your argument
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