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System Warrior
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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Trump was never significant to me you guys are the ones obsessed with him. The wave he's riding is what concerns me way more than he does
  2. So you're admitting to being delusional? Thank you.
  3. That's your delusion. The only checkmate here is the infinite reply loop I have you in. Cause you're going to give up the last word before me I promise you that.
  4. That's the most notable thing if you're mentally retarded sure To me the most notable thing was the thing in quotes "pack the Supreme Court".
  5. lmao two different idiots misread something and I have to clarify it even though I didn't even write it. I have no doubt there's two more idiots on this forum you can find who would also have misread that.
  6. That was all nonsense. And I don't have to explain you and diplo's misinterpretation of someone else's tweet that I never myself articulated.
  7. Yea keep acting like that comparison made sense. Dems losing both = Republicans losing just the house. Yeah same amount of reflection needed.
  8. Let's some it up @jehurey ITT You misinterpreted an obvious intention in a tweet You failed to even understand what court stacking means You posted a link trying to prove the wrong definition of court stacking that actually proved the opposite You tried to claim that republicans are stacking the Supreme Court You tried to claim posting the original tweet after a retweet constitutes changing sources You tried to hinge your victory over things of no significance like posting a picture of a tweet instead of the video or who
  9. Yea keep dreaming It's called FDR's court stacking plan in the dictionary you're the one drawing an equivalence to his stupidity. Like it's not exponentially dumber to repeat bad ideas in history.
  10. Because the idea of court stacking originated from him. It's still a stupid fuckin idea
  11. Whether FDR is stupid is not the question. The question is whether Ocasio-Cortez is stupid for willing to repeat a disastrous idea like that in history.
  12. So your measure of stupidity in an idea is how successful the originator is? How about FDR's Japanese internment camps? Should we try that since the most successful presidential candidate in history did it? I'm just wondering how far off the deep end you're willing to go to defend your own stupidity
  13. So by that logic if Trump wins a second election his ideas are all solid?
  14. The part where it spectacularly backfired on the last guy who tried it?
  15. "Why did you post a screenshot bro? Obviously I was stupidly mistaken about this guy's intention so now I'm gonna blame you because you only posted a screenshot and were probably just as stupidly mistaken. Even though the words "pack the court" were clearly in quotes almost as if accentuating the point of that tweet. Your fault bro should've posted the whole video".
  16. You mean the person who also posted the video in the same tweet?
  17. Oh right the question is what constitutes stupidity. I'll give you an idea of what constitutes stupidity: Thinking posting the original tweet after a retweet means changing sources
  18. I already answered all of those you just chose to ignore them. I'll copy paste it for you: The republicans are not attempting to pack the Supreme Court (a notion you suggested multiple times in this thread by the way). The WaPo article is about low level courts that have nothing to do with the SCOTUS. When it comes to FDR: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judicial_Procedures_Reform_Bill_of_1937 As Michael Parrish writes, "the protracted legislative battle over the Court-packing bill blunted the momentum for additional reforms, divided the New Deal
  19. Yeah kinda like that one time when you changed the topic to Trump stacking courts that had nothing to do with the supreme court stacking That was way back when you posted an article about court stacking to prove that it didn't mean what your own article said it meant.
  20. Ah yes you notice everything how could I assume that would slip by your genius I can see why you hate Trump so much you might be the only person in the world with a larger ego.
  21. Ah yes good thing you're always on point and vigilant what would we do without you Except that one time you posted that article to prove that court stacking doesn't mean adding new judges even though the article explicitely talked about adding new judges
  22. Oh right the Republicans in the WaPo article that had nothing to do with the supreme court. Yes I'll be sure to address that immediately
  23. Ohh yes I've read about these mystical abilities of leftist mind readers they always know your intention better than you do.
  24. What's not going to work is your attempts to defer to the mystical "we".
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