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Everything posted by Vini

  1. Ohh yes I've read about these mystical abilities of leftist mind readers they always know your intention better than you do.
  2. What's not going to work is your attempts to defer to the mystical "we".
  3. Guess I gave you too much credit assuming you knew what court packing means with all that argumentative bluster. Turns out it's all bullshit
  4. Last word craving delusional psycho Won't let you have it bitch keep replying I can do this all night
  5. You're not poking shit faggot the only thing you expose on this forum is your own bad faith. Over and over again. Fuckin sociopath acting like a champion of the downtrodden I see right through you.
  6. My source was googling "ocasio pack supreme court" and posted the first tweet that came up You're just a dishonest twat literally grasping at any straw.
  7. And by the way @jehurey the original tweet came from Fox and Friends. And if you watch the video you'll see exactly what they meant. And you won't like it Nothing to do with her saying "Congress" alone.
  8. Nope. She's stupid. That's my claim. Not because she thinks Congress can pack courts, not because she doesn't know what packing courts means. It's because she thinks packing the courts is a viable solution. That's what I said from the start. Your hoop jumping rhetoric aside.
  9. I have no doubt she knows what packing the court means (even though you didn't lol), I just don't think she can even begin to fathom how improbable and irresponsible something like that would be. Kinda like Socialism actually.
  10. It is when it's coming from a do gooder socialist who doesn't know any better. Forgive me if I don't think she's some evil mastermind.
  11. You're right the new deal legislation itself was deemed unconstitutional not the court packing. I'm glad at least you know what court packing means
  12. So let me get your argument straight I posted a tweet that took her out of context to prove that she was stupid, then I went out of my way to post the video of her IN context to contradict myself. Hmm I wonder if that's more likely than making fun of the second half of her sentence that was perfectly in context and much more retarded than the out of context first part. hmmmmm
  13. Maybe we should ask the communist gender studies chick from New York. I'm pretty sure she knows more about it than you.
  14. So you don't think court packing means replacing existing judges any more?
  15. keep running away from your historical ignorance
  16. https://www.dictionary.com/browse/court-packing Keep running away from this
  17. Bitch please both @jehurey and @Teh_Diplomatjumped on that tweet claiming my self ownage without having the slightest idea what court packing means. No FDR was not stupid you dumbass, when he tried it it wasn't already deemed unconstitional. Ocasio-Cortez is. And so are both of you. Bunch of ignirant dipsticks.
  18. Didn't say that, you thought that because of some random tweet I posted cause I couldn't find the video right away. Of course you would assume the worst intention in anyone with a differing opinion. She's fucking stupid because she wants to "pack the supreme court" with liberal judges, something Congress already deemed unconstitutional. Thats not evil it's just fuckin stupid. And ignorant of history.
  19. This guy can't be real He's arguing with dictionary.com now
  20. Holy shit https://www.dictionary.com/browse/court-packing Someone save this guy from himself.
  21. Court packing means adding new judges, there's only one definition. Read your own damn article Jesus Christ Jerry
  22. Apparently you're not clever enough to know what court packing means https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judicial_Procedures_Reform_Bill_of_1937 Even though you accidentally alluded to it on the last page. What Republicans are doing is not packing the court.
  23. I don't care how much of the government you control saying that you intend to "pack the supreme court" should disqualify you from any position of power
  24. Of course you would pretend you're a mind reader of my unexplicit intentions after failing to defend the mind bogglingly stupid suggestion of "packing the supreme court".
  25. Right kinda like FDR's "supreme court packing" plan that the Congress found unconstitutional. You're now defending increasing the number of justices so you can pack the supreme court with young liberals? You can't be serious with this shit
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