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System Warrior
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Everything posted by HankScorpio

  1. Got just cause 2 for free with my new video card, gonna download it tomorrow. Didn't care for the demo; hopefully the full game will be better.
  2. 360 or PS3 version of darksiders? My guess would be 360 because that is usually how multis go but I want to get some opinions.
  3. I want to pick this up but I just got SCII and madden comes out in a couple of weeks:ben:
  4. I've been thinking about picking up NCAA 11. Think I'll wait it out for Madden though If you get madden on amazon you get a $20 off a future game purchase.
  5. Downloading alien swarm, finally. Been playing NCAA 11 football:smoke:
  6. Been playing some trine and alpha protocol. Not sure about AP yet:]
  7. I still have to download them. I just finished up DL'ing alpha protocol. Steam is going slow as fuck;(
  8. Playing a bit of Titan Quest while alpha protocol downloads:]
  9. I got work from 530pm to 530am so probably not :( what you mopping up jizz at a peepshow like jon b does? nah, he does that on weekends for free
  10. Which is the real RE4 of the gen: Alan Wake or RE5 Spoiler If you like my comedy preez rep didn't specify so -rep:smoke:
  11. Lost Odyssey was crap. Made it halfway before giving up.
  12. i got bored too :( though i enjoy just fucking aorund. I probably have 4-5 missions left and I just can't get around to finishing it. I spent too much time fucking around and got bored;(
  13. You should get it in an email from amazon within a week or so
  14. only midnight launch I have ever went to was for the gamecube:excited:
  15. BF: BC2 and just bought Batman AA on steam for $22. Batman came with Just Cause.
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